5 Keys to Giving Godly Counsel

In order to Give Godly & Biblical counsel, we need  to be in a position to do so- in other words- we must  be prepared to do so.

We understand the importance of giving Biblical  counsel and advice- but far too often we don’t know  the Bible well enough to give BIBLICAL advice!!

On the other hand, in order to attempt to give godly  or scriptural advice we have to stop ourselves and  think, “What does the Bible say about this? Is there a
biblical principle that applies here?” It is not natural  for us to do so. We have to choose to go there, decide  to make the effort involved and risk going against the  flow to deliver what we find.


First let’s look at things that will facilitate the practice  of giving godly counsel:

1. We must PRAY to ask God to give us biblical  wisdom when giving advice/counsel


To give godly counsel we must make the intentional  effort to hear the question, or see the circumstance  from the perspective of the eternal paradigm. Rather
than simply spouting off our answer or input through  our “natural” worldly ways, we need to slow down,  stop and ask the question, “What does the Bible say
about this? Is there a biblical principle that applies  here?”

3. We must remember our advice may have  ETERNAL impact



Accept  the fact that the one giving truly godly counsel  will often be a lonely voice, at least at first. Godly  counsel is not always easily received or quickly
affirmed. Godly counsel is always opposed by the  evil one and his workers so don’t be alarmed when  it happens. The responsibility of a counselor is to
speak the truth in love. As soon as he has done so  the responsibility shifts to the one who is given the  counsel. The counselor’s part is to speak, it is up to
the other party to hear or refuse to hear.  Where there are other godly people involved,  godly counsel  will most often be confirmed and affirmed by others,
although not always. But remember this, God will  bless the giver for his obedience no matter what the  receiver does with the counsel.

Giving godly counsel will be greatly enhanced as  we learn to approach the process with these points in  mind.

There are no limits on the extent or value of the  counsel that is available to us as children of God.  His Spirit lives in each of us and that fact gives each
of us access to His wisdom. He can and will speak  to us through others who have His Spirit indwelling  them. He can speak through a donkey if need be, but
normally prefers to use His people. In Truth@Work  we have seen countless examples of this blessing.  We have many stories of how God has spoken to one
member or another through the group. It has been  wonderful, but we can go much farther. We have  only scratched the surface of what is truly available.
We must press on, go deeper, to be all the men and  women He would have us be. What we have seen is  good, but it’s only just begun!

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Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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Written by Ray Hilbert
Medical Writer & Editor

Ray is the Co-Founder of Truth At Work. Prior to this role, he served as CEO until January 2016. In his role of Co-Founder, Ray is responsible for building high level strategic relationships on behalf of Truth At Work, facilitates several Round Table Groups, helps establish new markets, develops new curriculum, as well as serving as host of Truth At Work’s “Bottom Line Faith” podcast series. Additionally, Ray is in the process of writing two new books that will be released in the coming months. Ray is also a highly sought after speaker at churches and retreats across America, where for years he has challenged followers of Christ to integrate their faith in and through the marketplace on a daily basis. He is also part of the speaking faculty for Orlando, Florida based “Man In the Mirror” ministry where he conducts seminars and retreats across the country.

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