Proverbs 17:22 says that “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
To be successful in business, and in all of life for that matter, it’s so critical that we maintain an upbeat and positive attitude.
When we have a healthy outlook, our energy, creativity, and problem solving capabilities are greatly enhanced.
On the other hand, however; when we’re discouraged and downhearted, it’s very easy to lose all hope.
I recently met a businessman who is going through some major challenges both in his business and in his personal life. I wouldn’t blame this man if he were to just collapse under the weight of his burden and circumstances. But I was so amazed at his attitude and his upbeat spirit. He had an incredible sense of peace and internal joy about him.
So, what are you going through right now, and what’s your outlook on life?
- Maybe things aren’t going so well in your company
- Or perhaps you have some strained relationships at home?
- Or maybe your finances a little tight?
You see, during tough and challenging times is when it’s most important to take inventory of your attitude and outlook.
Key Steps:
- 1Don’t focus on your circumstances-but rather focus on solutions and potential ways to beat your problems
- 2Don’t allow your spirit to get “crushed.” Be of good cheer. Place your care in the Lord. Your cheerful and joyful heart will be good medicine in your situation.
When do this, you will be applying the Truth@Work.
Application Questions:
- What does this message say to you?
- Are you able to have an upbeat attitude when the circumstances of life aren’t going your way? Why or why not?
- What scriptures can help you in what is going on in your life right now, and what ones can help you to have a cheerful heart?