Healthy Hair

Our Healthy Hair articles on

How to Choose the Right Hairbrush

What kind of brush people should use for their hair, because if you choose the wrong one it can damage your hair, so just to be informed there are different types of brushes. The most common one, that we use, at that you can find in stores are one which are made of nylon and […]


Low Iron Levels and Alopecia

Iron is a critical mineral the human body needs to function with optimal effectiveness. Alopecia (full clinical name alopecia areata) is an autoimmune disorder of the skin that causes progressive hair loss in both men and women. What do these two have in common? More than you might think, a new Cleveland Clinic study shows!

Natural Hair Products to Counter Hair Loss

Hair loss can be problem for both men and women. There are many different products on the market that claim to help stop hair loss and help to regrow hair. What some people may not know is there are natural products that can do the same. Using these are significantly less expensive and may even […]

Understanding the Different Stages of Hair Growth

If we want to cure our hair issues, we have to know in which stage it is, and with  that information determine  how to approach to our hair. There are four stages of hair growth, the first one is the longest one and can take about  a decade of time, and that is the growth […]

How to Use Essential Oils for Hair Growth

It is talking about problems whit growing hair and what solution you can use regarding that problem. It is proved that the oils from different types of herb, can improve the health of hair and also improve the growth. Because there are so many different types of oil, you have to see which one you […]

How to Maintain Hair Health this Summer

It is talking how to obtain a good and quality hair during the hot months of the summer, because it can affect on your hair. The first suggestions is to cut the ends of your hair, because if you do not do that they can split more, and than you have a messy hair. The […]

Causes of Hair Loss

Every man is concerned about the possibility of hair loss. The fact is that some causes of hair loss can be addressed and treated. You don’t necessarily have to put up with hair loss for the rest of your life. The following is a list of the causes of hair loss.

Female Hair Loss

The Article gives a overview and detailed information into female hair loss or Androgenetic Alopecia as the scientific name is given for the condition. Where the article tells us that one third of women will suffer from the condition it also provides information about conditions and life styles that effect and make it more common. […]


Best Hair Transplant Alternatives

Losing your hair is an unfortunate part of aging for a growing number of men and women. For some people, genetics and other factors cause hair loss at a young age. If you are one of those affected by thinning, balding hair, self-esteem issues are just the start of the many concerns the issue brings […]

thinning hair

Everything You Need To Know About Men’s Hair Loss

The simple fact is that 30% of men suffer from hair loss by the age of 30. This video looks to get to the root of the problem and asks you to take an honest look at hair loss. As stated, the earlier you notice it, the better the chance of beating it. The video […]