Substance Abuse

Our Substance Abuse articles on

9 Ways You Can Fight Addiction

Pain relievers

How Drugs Can Cause Physical Distress

Substance abuse has become an ever increasing problem with young adults who use them for recreational purposes. Other people abuse drugs for pleasant sensations they cause or some abuse them unintentionally to relieve or lessen pain. Although drugs can cause an immediate positive result, there are also several negative impacts of drugs that most people […]


How Many Drinks to 0.08? | 300lb. NFL Lineman vs. 110lb. Woman

Will we finally get an answer to the age old question, “Does size really matter”? Out of all of the myths about drinking alcoholic beverages, there may actually be some truth to this classic tale. The theory behind this is that a person that weighs more will need to consume more alcohol to exceed the […]

Pain relievers

What Are Narcotics and Why Are They Addictive?

Over Twenty-three million Americans had used illegal drugs in the month leading up to a survey on drug use conducted by SAMHSA. Narcotics are one type of drug, and can be accessed legally or illegally. Legally available narcotics are prescribed to control severe pain, and while beneficial and necessary if used properly, have the potential […]

Why Structure is Important in Rehab

Addiction is a problem that many Americans face today. Addiction and substance use disorder comprised nearly a quarter of all psychiatric admissions last year. Addiction develops when the brain becomes triggered to desire certain behavior or substance. Some addictions can even cause a physical dependence making it much harder to quit. Foundations Recovery Network stresses […]

Quit smoking

Practical Tips to Make Quitting Easier

Smoking is incredibly addictive, so it’s not surprising that quitting is incredibly hard. These tips will help along your journey, whether you are already well into quitting or just getting ready for day one.

My Alcohol Intake

If you are feeling that your alcohol intake is too high, you may need to consider cutting down or quitting. It is not easy, but if you know that your alcohol consumption is under control you can better enjoy your weekends.

Alcoholism – Frequently Asked Questions

What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is a disease that affects the part of the brain that controls your feelings, the way you make decisions, and the way you act. People with alcoholism cannot control how much they drink.

Alcohol Awareness Month – Educating People On The Ill-Effects Of Alcoholism

To attract the attention of local communities to the detrimental effects of alcoholism and alcohol-related issues, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence declared the month of April as Alcohol Awareness Month in 1987. Ever since then, Alcohol Awareness Month has continued to reach out to the American public with a valuable message regarding […]