
Our Wellness articles on Healthstatus.com

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance is a term coined by the late John R. Lee, M.D., author of a number of books on the topic of women’s hormones. The theory of Estrogen Dominance describes a condition where a woman can have deficient, normal or excessive estrogen but has little or no progesterone to balance its effects in the […]

Physical Symptoms of Menopause

While thinking about the symptoms of menopause, it is important for you to know and understand that these symptoms differ from woman to woman. Certain factors like difference in diet and nutrition, general health and health care, etc all affect the way women experience menopause.

10 Natural Ways to combat PMS

It’s not taken seriously, even laughed about. Yet most women suffer PMS to some degree. Here are some ways to help.

Smoking and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Smoking does not only cause lung cancer but also worsen symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Tobacco just like caffeine and alcohol also worsen IBS symptoms. It really does not matter whether you smoked, chewed or inhaled Tobacco. The facts still remains that Tobacco is a potent GI tract irritant, carcinogen and stimulant.

Women: Strength Training

One of most growing forms of women exercise is strength training. Strength training promotes: fat loss, metabolic rate increase, bone density increase and restoration, lean muscles mass increase, injury prevention, improved balance, coronary disease prevention, recovery and rehabilitation, sports performance improvement, delayed aging, and figure enhancement.

Inexpensive Ways to Increase Fitness

It is not necessary to enroll at local gyms or build a home gym for improving fitness and health. Face it, you do not have to spend a lot of money to be fit you just have to get moving. Here are some ideas to jump start your fitness for little to no money.

Body Building Diet

In body building, your diet is one of the most effective weapons you can have if you want to achieve maximum potential. Diet is so important to the body builder as it not only supplies the body with the energy needed to perform your exercises as well as giving you the nutrients you need to […]

Waterworks: drink lots of water for good health and fitness

Beautiful water! It fills you up, has no calories, and is essential to your health —it makes you look great too, plumping out your skin and helping your eyes to sparkle.

Make Time for Your Life

I’m busy. I don’t have time to get fit and healthy. If this is you, you can make time in your life to eat well and to exercise regularly. In fact, when you get into the habit of exercise, you’ll find that you seem to have more time to do everything else, because you have […]

Healthy & white teeth

Healthy Teeth at Any Age

Take Care of your teeth now and they will serve you for years to come! Teeth were designed to last a lifetime when cared for and cleaned appropriately. Do not think that with the onset of adulthood that you can start ignoring your teeth.