HealthStatus Crew

HealthStatus teams with authors from organizations to share interesting ideas, products and new health information to our readers.

When Should You Take An NMN Supplement And What’s The Right Dosage?

Nicotinamide mononucleotide or NMN is a supplement known for its anti-aging benefits.NMN can boost the NAD+ production in the body, which is responsible for efficient cell functioning and DNA repair activities. Before you  buy NMN supplement, understand what it is, the various benefits it offers and when you should include it in your diet.  

The Effects Of Dehydration When Exercising

If you want to get the maximum impact from exercising, you should drink enough water to stay hydrated. If you don’t have enough water in your body, you may get dehydrated while exercising, reducing your mental and physical capabilities. Not drinking enough water can cause muscle cramping, dizziness, lack of energy, light-headedness, and worse! Let’s […]

Starting And Sticking To A Healthier Lifestyle

If you have previously tried to get healthier but have failed, you might feel discouraged about your ability to keep up with the changes you have tried to make. There is a lot of information available out there, and with so many ideas and tricks, it can be hard to find the best information on […]

Before, During, After: A Guide To Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Have you been dealing with unexplainable toothaches?   If so, then you might require a tooth extraction. But, before that, you must take into consideration certain factors that could influence the smooth flow of the said procedure, such as preparations, operation costs, the operation itself, and instructions after tooth removal.

The Importance Of CPR Training

The majority of abrupt cardiac arrests (heart attacks) happen at home or at work. They occur when you least anticipate it, and there is generally no one present to help right away. If you have proper medical knowledge, then the person can be saved. This is the primary reason why all people should undergo CPR […]

Are Local Pharmacies Still The Best For Value?

Prescriptions are expensive, and saving money on healthcare is crucial. When you are healthy, you might not realize this. But once you are diagnosed with a medical condition, you will notice medication can be very pricey. Today many pharmacies keep popping up both online and offline. Most people believe local pharmacies offer the best services […]

Tips For Choosing A Cosmetic Surgeon

Cosmetic Surgery, in times not so far gone, used to be a secretive affair but has become as commonplace as exercising or following a diet to stay fit these days.

5 Health Tests And Examinations Every Child Should Get

Children need regular checkups and well-child examinations as they grow up. In every doctor visit, parents can have a chance to talk to their kids’ pediatrician to get answers for any questions they may have regarding pediatric overall health. You can also discuss any health or developmental issues that you may have concerning your little […]

The Hidden Dangers Of Hunching: 5 Ways Poor Posture Can Negatively Affect Your Health

If your shoulders and back are hunched over while you’re reading this, you’re not alone. Whether you’re a serial sloucher when standing or struggle to remember to relax your neck and shoulders while seated, it’s no secret that maintaining proper posture isn’t an easy habit to form. Most older adults have suffered the consequences of […]

How To Balance Women’s Hormones – 6 Tips

Mood swings, heavy or painful periods, low libido, insomnia, weight gain, skin problems, headaches, weak bones – they all point to a hormonal imbalance in your system. Â