
HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators.The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

Freezing Eggs for Use With In Vitro Fertilization

When you make the decision to become pregnant, it is a time that is filled with excitement, joy, nervousness, and wonder. Maybe you and your partner have decided to wait a specific amount of time before deciding to start a family. Having an adequate income, a nice home, proper childcare , and other important decisions […]


Five Proven Ways to Make Portion Control Easier

Portion control is an important part of a successful weight loss plan.   In fact, in a 2004 study in Obesity Research, women who consumed two portion-controlled frozen meals per day for eight weeks lost more weight than did women on a self-selected diet.   The portion control group lost an average of 5.6 kilograms […]

Setting Your Money ‘Normal’

When it comes to money, ‘normal’ is defined in whatever way is ‘normal’ for the individual. One person felt that it was normal to save up and work hard for every penny. He felt that money should be used for important things and saved for the fun things. As a result his family was able […]

choose healthy food

Cracking the Code to Weight Loss

It isn’t easy to make your way through the constant stream of diet plans and advertising, and there are many who use the fear of obesity to make a profit. However, it is possible to find something that works. The key to losing that weight and making sure it doesn’t come back is to be […]

smell fruit for weight loss

3 Crazy But Scientifically Proven Ways To Lose Weight

There are as many weight loss methods as there are people, it seems. Countless articles cover exercise and diet, and it’s a hot topic with friends and family members in most cultures. Science has made rapid advancements in recent years, and several previously unknown ways to lose weight have emerged. Read on for some simple, […]

Eggs with smiling faces

5 Foods with a Bad Reputation….

That are actually good for you… Which foods are bad and which ones are good, and how do you decide which when the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Some foods have gained a bad reputation over the years due to wrong or outdated research. Others simply seem too tasty and addictive to also be healthy. Here […]

Iron rich foods

A Closer Look at Ketogenic Diets for Weight Loss

Obesity and weight problems have become a very common issue in modern society. Many health experts have come up with their own programs and ideas to help people lose weight effectively. Every program has its own effectiveness rate and characteristics, so trying all of them can have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts. […]

calories burned running

How Many Calories Burned Running

As obesity and heart disease rates rise, more people are looking for ways to improve their weight and cardiovascular health, burn more calories, and extend their life expectancy. One of the best ways to solve a  plethora of health issues is to take up a new workout plan. Running is one of the best workouts […]

Men carrying heavy loads on back

Sports Wearables Can Revolutionize Training

Sports professionals are embracing wearable technology, and who can blame them? They work in hyper-competitive fields, where even the smallest advantage can be the difference between winning and failure.

Being overweight

Is Body Fat the Best Measure of Health?

Most people are familiar with the term “body fat,” usually associating it with obesity, heart disease, cholesterol levels and general unhealthiness. Despite negative implications when too much fat is carried on your body, some fat is required by the body for proper functioning, metabolic purposes and general health. The key to good health is in […]