Month: September 2012

Hypochondria – Imaginary Disease

What do most of us do when something aches, hurts or itches? We go on the internet to find out what is it and how to fix it. While it can be a simple insect bite, we might find on the internet information on anything from flesh-eating disease to lupus or cholera. So which one […]

Drunkorexia Or Liquid Diet

Here is a new word for your dieting dictionary: drunkorexia. It means giving up food to leave space for binge drinking. The goal is to stay thin, and the logic behind it is that you can do without food, but you cannot do without alcohol if you want to go and party. The term, and […]

We Live Longer Than Ever Before, But Only If We Are Well Educated

We have been led to believe that our modern lifestyle, medical advances and high comfort make us live longer than our ancestors. That is true, but not for all. The latest study published in the journal Health Affairs found that the education level greatly influences how long we are going to live.

Chemical additives

Food Additives

Would you care for some Trichlorotriflouroethane, which is an extraction solvent, or how about some Butylene Glycol,which is a flavoring adjunct, or adjuvant, solubalizer, and solvent vehicle.

How Often Should You See A Doctor?

When was the last time you saw a doctor? If you are like most people, it’s been too long. Even if you are “healthy” and have “nothing wrong” with you, it is wise even when young to have a yearly checkup. Bad-nasties have a way of sneaking up on you, and with some of these […]



You can still see the scar on my right shoulder, and I remember standing in line at the local Catholic Church with everyone else in my neighborhood. The year is a little fuzzy, 1974 maybe. Polio (poliomyelitis) vaccines were being doled out to keep anyone from being stricken with the dreaded ailment that could turn […]

Blindness test

Facts About Children And Blindness

August is National Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month, “I did not know that” you say? Well now you do, and you can tell your friends and family and spread the news.We as adults can easily tell if we are starting to have difficulties with our vision. We may begin to notice that the words […]


Infection Mortality

The 20th century was a time that brought great change in the world. Things were nothing then like what we take for granted today. During the American civil war more soldiers died from infection than died from bullets. Merely a small cut could cause an infection that would kill you.

Human brain

HGH Treatments

HGH (human growth hormone) is a hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a small, pea sized gland in the base of the brain. HGH is produced to promote growth during childhood, and to maintain the body’s’ tissues and organs throughout your adult life.

Healthy eating

Average Lifespan

Life expectancy is no exact science. There is no guarantee for anything; there is only a chance for it. Some persons for no known reasons reach well into old age, topping 90 and even 100 yrs old. Most of us cannot expect to reach this level of “ripeness”, however with proper diet, exercise and a […]