Month: April 2016

Kids fitness

Are We Programmed to Like or not Like Exercise Before We are Born?

There have been studies done that show pregnant mothers who exercise will have children more inclined to exercise. The studies were done on mice so that it proves that mothers influence throughout their child’s life did not influence the children’s propensity to exercise. The study was done because of the huge obesity epidemic today. Obesity […]

Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy Leaves its Lasting Mark on the Child’s Genetic Make-Up

A study in Germany conducted with approximately 600 pregnant mothers has found a link between smoking and genetic changed in the unborn child which will effect the child for a life time. This research found genetic changes which could cause diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and later life lung disease. The research concluded that smoking as […]

PCOS and Hysterectomy: What You Need to Know

Is a hysterectomy a solution for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? The symptoms of PCOS and hormonal imbalance can be awful and sometimes downright devastating so anything that alleviates some of these symptoms might seem welcome. With PCOS the ovaries can produce excess male hormones called androgens, and they can grow small fluid-filled cysts inside that […]

It’s Not The Problem That’s Your Problem….

It’s your attitude towards the problem that’s your problem.  Attitude is  that big of an issue with most people.

Keeping It SIMPLE Equals A Happy Bride

I have a magnet on my fridge that says, “ One day she woke up and decided to Simplify everything.”   I love this!   We live in a world with unlimited choices and information overload, which some may say is a great thing.   However, as psychologists and economists study the issue, they are […]

PCOS: 20 Facts That May Surprise You

Depression. Anxiety. Weight gain. Fatigue. Increased acne and hair growth. Irregular periods. Infertility. Brain fog. Bloating.

Oxygen mask

Women With PCOS May Have Higher Asthma Rates

Anju Joham and her fellow researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia have recently conducted a study on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The results of this study, conducted on more than 8,000 women, showed that women with PCOS are 34% more likely to have asthma. While overweight and obese women are more likely than the […]

3 “Must Eat” Foods To Achieve A Bride Fit Body

When it comes to what to eat to achieve a fit & fabulous “wedding dress ready” body it can be extremely confusing.   Low carb, low fat, high fat, Paleo or Vegan?   Opinions and beliefs about food are strongly rooted in what we were exposed to growing up, what we’ve “read” and what we’ve […]

Girls Age 2-20 Growth Chart

The growth charts consist of a series of percentile curves that illustrate the distribution of selected body measurements in U.S. children. Pediatric growth charts have been used by pediatricians, nurses, and parents to track the growth of infants, children, and adolescents in the United States since 1977. The 1977 growth charts were developed by the […]

What Is Your Why?

Too often in life we have the wrong reasons we want to do certain things, especially in the area of fitness. Motives like, “I want to look good at my high school reunion to make everyone jealous” have a negative tone to them and will never lead to lasting results. Other things, like “I want […]