Year: 2016

What To Do When Your Adult Child Asks You For Money

A guide on what you can do when your adult child asks you for money. There are many different circumstances an adult child may ask for money. This article breaks down a course of action depending on whether the need for money is temporary or permanent. Is the person needing to borrow following a budget? […]

Earlier Alzheimer’s Diagnosis May Be Possible With New Imaging Compound

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Vertical sleeve gastrectomy, also known as gastric sleeve surgery, is surgery to assist in significant weight loss. During this surgery, the surgeon removes a large portion of the stomach, leaving the stomach to be about the size of a banana. This limits the amount of food that is able to be consumed by making one […]

Be A Very Very Person

Psalm 78:72 says, “And David shepherded them with integrity of heart and with skillful hands he lead them.”

How Millennials With Student Loan Debt Can Still Afford To Be Homeowners

While paying back student loans is important there is no reason why higher education debt should stop one from becoming a home owner. Susan Dynarski a professor at University of Michigan, states that the rate variances between college educated home owner and non college educated is larger than college students graduating with or without debt. […]

Give Me 5 Minutes A Day – And I Will Double Your Weight Loss

Listen — After counseling thousands upon thousands of weight loss surgery patients I know the anger, frustration and eventually disappointment you experience when weight loss promises go unfulfilled. Especially if the promise is being made by a professional who is supposed to have your best interest at heart.

A lady hiding her pregnancy test

Supplements During Pre-Conception and Pregnancy

The importance of taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy has long since been accepted by most folks; however, not much emphasis has been placed on the importance of prenatal supplements when trying to conceive, or TTC, as it is more commonly known. Beginning pregnancy with sufficient amounts of vitamins, such as iron and folic acid, is […]

A Caregiver’s Guide to the Holidays – Surviving the Holidays

Increased activity during the holiday season can be challenging. More large group gatherings, more shopping and a general increase in the speed of life raises stress levels for everyone. If you are the primary caregiver for an individual living with dementia it can feel like too much. So how do you survive the holiday season? […]

Pre-Op Gastric Diet

Are you scheduled for bariatric surgery or are you considering it in the future? Bariatric surgeries include Gastric Bypass and Gastric Banding. These surgeries can be very successful procedures to help with weight loss. The success depends on how well you prepare for the surgery and how committed you are to following a healthy diet […]

PCOS and TSH: How An Excess of Hormones Can Cause a World of Thyroid Problems!

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) gets is name because of the effect it may have on a woman’s ovaries; because of how it may manifest as a string of ovarian cysts; and because, high on the list of associated symptoms and effects, you’ll find things like infertility and anovulation. However, to suggest that it’s just a […]