
Our Eyes Contacts Lasik articles on Healthstatus.com

Should You Talk to Your Parents About Cataract Surgery?

It can be difficult to tell if your parents’ worsening eyesight is a normal side effect of getting older or something more serious: cataracts. If you’ve noticed your parents needing stronger and stronger prescriptions, preferring brighter lights, finding night driving difficult because of halos and reduced vision, or experiencing side effects light double vision, it […]

Does Alcohol Affect Your Eyes?

It is well known that drinking can negatively affect the body, but the first organ people think of when alcohol damaged is mentioned is usually the liver. However, alcohol can also negatively affect your eyes in a variety of ways. First, alcohol can impair the ability of muscles to properly function. The important muscles in […]

New Implantable Lens

There is a new implantable lens specifically for those who have what is called “macular degeneration”, but may also be used for people with various other eye conditions, including those with cataracts. They can be implanted in both eyes, a single eye, or even multiple lens in one eye. So far, around 3,000 of these […]

6 Post-LASIK Eye Care Tips

After having a Lasik eye surgery, a person must take measures to care for their eyes. Soon after surgery patients may experience bloodshot, dry, and uncomfortable eyes. While some medications may be provided for those situations, most of the recovery is done at home by following some basic tips. If followed, the patient can achieve […]

Woman holding contact lens

5 Essential Contact Care Tips

Contact Lenses require maintenance from time to time. There are certain signs your eyes will give you that your contact lenses are not clean or being maintained properly. Dry eyes, irritation or red eyes are clear examples to contact lenses wearers its time to clean them. The easiest solution is to make sure your hands […]

How Our Eyesight Develops And Changes: From Birth To Old Age

Vision is a human being’s most important, most used sense. When we are born, our vision is quite limited and as we grow up, this sense becomes greater and greater developed and perfected until we reach middle age when our senses begin to decline again. Babies are born not being able to see very well. […]


Cataracts, Clouding and Clumping Proteins

Cataracts are when a person’s vision becomes cloudy or obstructed due to the buildup of crystalline proteins clumping together. A person’s risk for developing cataracts increases with age, exposure to light, diet, genetics, injury, or even drug or steroid use or health just to name a few. When a person starts to develop this, their […]

Stress – A Strain on Your Eyesight

If you’re suffering from Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the best thing you can do for yourself may be to relax and de-stress. Recent studies conducted by the Ohio State University Department of Ophthalmology suggest that stress may be a contributing factor to worsening vision in patients with AMD. The study used a scale, called the […]

Most Common Kids’ Eye Problems Parents Should Know

It is critical as a parent to spot if your child is struggling with eye problems. If your child has any symptoms that indicate a problem, it may be time for them to check in with an eye doctor for an eye exam. There are three common vision issues: Myopia, Hyperopia, and Astigmatism. Myopia is […]

How I Fail at Being Disabled | Susan Robinson

Born with a genetic visual impairment, Susan Roberson is legally blind or as she prefers, “partially sighted.” She introduces herself with a humorous introduction of an Asian man as her mother. She has disdain for the term “disabled” because it forms a mindset of “less than” rather than recognizing a person’s potential. It brings about […]