
Our Eyes Contacts Lasik articles on Healthstatus.com

LASIK For Everyone – Ages 41-60

 Experiencing problems with vision at middle age can be a challenge preventing you from enjoying life. Fortunately, middle age is also an excellent time to consider LASIK, a procedure that enables you to restore your eyesight and leave glasses and contacts behind, and with the financial stability that comes with middle age, and it is […]

Do Men And Women Need Different Eye Care?

Is there really a difference in the eye care needs of men and women? Most people may think there aren’t any differences in the eyes of men and women, but it turns out that there are, in fact, gender-specific concerns about eye health. For example, women are much more prone to dry-eye conditions than men […]

Digital Eye Strain

As more Americans spend more time staring at digital devices, digital eye strain is becoming more prevalent because of their increased amounts of staring. Nearly one third of American adults spend nine or more hours staring at either a computer, tablet, cell phone, or other electronic device. As such, their eyes are becoming increasingly damaged […]

What Do Visually Impaired People See?

I’ve never really thought about what visually impaired people can or cannot see. This article provides unique information about how much a visually impaired person can see. There are multiple types of visual impairment: The first type is people who cannot see large objects, but can see light and shadows. The next type is people […]

LASIK For Everyone – Ages 61+

Lasik eye treatment seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. The article provides a solid case for having the eye surgery performed at any age, but specifically, for people over the age of 60 whose eyesight is growing weaker with age. There is scientific proof that our eyes will worsen with age, and many […]

Eye Tiredness and Dryness Shouldn’t Be the ‘New Normal’

During the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, one product swept experts away: Biofinity Energys, a contact lens for digital life and everyday living. These are the first contact lenses designed specifically for people who consistently use digital devices. Marsha Collier, the technology author and radio personality, explained on her blog that more than 90 […]

Top LASIK Misconceptions: Part One

LASIK laser eye surgery is an incredibly popular treatment for correcting vision in adults and has been performed on more than fifty million patients to date. Of those fifty million patients 98% achieve 20/20 vision, or even better than 20/20 in some cases. With so many people trying LASIK it has become the most studied […]

Girl wearing Sunglasses

Best and Worst Light Sources For Your Eyes

Conventional wisdom has always said that certain light sources can be straining on the eyes. Particularly reading in dim light, or spending too much time glued to a screen can be bad for eyes and provide a stressful and straining environment. What people should consider is all types of light sources and their effects on […]

The Nearsighted Epidemic: The Health Condition Growing Among Children

Children in the U.S. are being diagnosed more and more with myopia, or nearsightedness. This causes the child to not be able to see objects in the distance clearly, and can cause them to miss out on a lot of life’s moments because of blurry vision. This is not the only negative side effect of […]

LASIK For Every Age: 18-40

If you are in the age range of 18-40 years old and rely on glasses or contacts to improve your vision you may want to consider looking into Lasik. Making an investment in your eyesight through Lasik may seem costly, but the earlier you make the investment the longer you have to benefit from it. […]