Month: November 2016

Sleep Disorders and Dementia

Getting a good night’s sleep is critical for good brain health, yet many older adults experience trouble sleeping. Our brains have a core circadian clock that keeps us on a 24-hour cycle, telling us when to wake and when to sleep, but this seems to change as we age.

Pain relievers

How Drugs Can Cause Physical Distress

Substance abuse has become an ever increasing problem with young adults who use them for recreational purposes. Other people abuse drugs for pleasant sensations they cause or some abuse them unintentionally to relieve or lessen pain. Although drugs can cause an immediate positive result, there are also several negative impacts of drugs that most people […]

Debunking Myths about the Causes of Hair Loss

While hair loss and premature graying is often attributed as a response to an emotional stress, this is, in fact, a myth. Instances of a large amount of hair loss as the result of a response to a physical or an emotional trauma is oftentimes the result of a shock to the endocrine system in […]

Natural Remedies for Joint Pain

Over 20% of Americans each year are diagnosed with some form of joint pain, resulting from autoimmune disorders, genetic conditions, accidents, or more. While treatments for joint pain can vary based on the cause, there are some universal ways of managing joint pain. For one thing, exercise is crucial because it can increase strength and […]

Are You Going Through the Motions?

The concept of sacrifice has been around certainly as long as mankind has been able to write about it, and can be found in many incarnations, throughout the old and new Testaments of the Bible. Nor does it speak only to that most archaic manifestation of the concept of sacrifice, having to do with altars.

Want to Treat Your PCOS? Crank Up the Volume on Your Saw Palmetto Intake!

Before balking at the idea of taking an herb to treat an illness as severe as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), keep in mind the fact that there is no known medical cure for this condition and that natural treatment options have been proven to not only alleviate the disease, but also even reverse it. This […]

Unlock Money Secrets To Help Your Kids Learn Common Cents

Many younger people today lack financial education, so it is important to teach the younger generations in your life some basic money tips to help them out in life. You can start at a young age by offering simple examples of financial principles and working through them slowly. For example, learning about compounding is vital […]

Why Dementia Burden May Be Less Than Feared

The disease that everyone fears: Dementia. This disease alone costs the United States $200 billion dollars annually. Experts believe however that we are not to fear this disease and that as technology advances we will have even less fears about the disease. The United Kingdom Cognitive Function and aging studies (CFAS) has found a decline […]


Short-Term Hair Loss Solutions

Hair loss compromises ones self image. Don’t give up hope, there are some successful options for thinning hair. Some include hair transplants, medicine, and low-level laser therapy. Some people prefer a wig. It wasn’t that many years ago that wearing a wig was fashion statement and had nothing to do with hair loss.  It is […]

FitBits Aren’t Supposed to Make You Lose Weight

A recent study suggests that the popular fitbit wearable doesn’t lead to weight loss. Worse — wearing a fitbit actually produces decreased weight loss. It turns out that using a fitbit doesn’t inspire the wearer to more physical activity. While that’s saddening, it’s not surprising — after all, merely wearing a new electronic toy is […]