Month: November 2016

Study Examines Existing Tests That May Be Helpful in Assessing Safety of Drivers with Dementia

Driving with Dementia is dangerous. Dementia is a universal condition that can affect any person. People with dementia suffer from mental decline, so much so, that it affects their daily life. How to determine if it is time to stop an older individual with dementia from driving is the question. We need objective tests to […]

An Hour-By-Hour Guide To Maximizing Your Workday

This article is a good representation of how to get that extra push when it’s time to get your work done. The article goes on to talk about the circadian clock and how this relates to tiredness and lack of energy. The circadian clock syncs your body to the light signals in your environment, as […]

Adult Acne treatment

Does Cider Vinegar Treat Acne ?

Acne can be a problem that is difficult to treat and affects self-confidence. One method to get rid of acne is to use apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is natural and inexpensive, and makes skin healthier-looking and more immune to infections. Drinking apple cider vinegar mixed into water is one way to try getting rid of […]

I Plan, Therefore I Am

To become who we want to be, whether it’s thinner, richer, or happier, sooner or later, we realize we must plan. Planning can, of course, take many forms. However, there are some underlying components essential to almost all variations. There is the need to see what it is you are currently doing. For example a […]

Earning Respect

We all enjoy an occasional pat on the back. And sometimes it may seem like if we don’t toot our own horn that no one else will. Nonetheless, while acknowledgement and fanfare are great, it’s often those quiet workers, the ones with their nose to the grindstone, doing what needs to be done, not for […]

ICU Ventilators Overused with Advanced-Dementia Patients

Recently JAMA Internal Medicine published a study of over 635,008 hospitalizations of nursing home patients that suffered from advanced dementia as well as sever functional impairments. Even more so between the years of 2000 and 2013, the particular use of mechanical ventilation has nearly doubled in numbers among these types of patients in some more […]

From Ovulation Tests and Conception Kits to a Blanket Ban on Alcohol

Many couples in their thirties and forties are using extreme measures in desperate attempts to conceive. Having sex strictly to conceive becomes “a job” with the introduction and long-term employment of various fertility kits, devices and monitors, with specified conception “windows” of opportunity, etc. With checklist-style precision, there is little sensual about it. Often times, […]

A Temporary Tattoo that Brings Hospital Care to the Home | Todd Coleman

For some high-risk patients hospital monitoring technology can be life-saving. Yet, that same technology can also be cumbersome and uncomfortable, to say nothing of the excruciating bill that arrives later. Patients who choose to stay home, however, risk having nothing but a phone with which to ensure immediate attention, should it become warranted, is not […]

Heredity a Major Factor in ADHD, Binge Eating and Alcohol Dependence

Binge eating and alcohol dependence occur in adults with ADHD more frequently than in the general population. A doctoral thesis concludes that the main factor for adults with ADHD who develop these problems are genetic factors. The study looked at twins to examine whether environment or genes had a greater control on developing alcohol dependency […]

Don’t Think Your Thyroid Can Be Affected by PCOS? Think Again…

Many people mistakenly believe that the systems of the body are separate from one another, that they cannot have a bearing on each other. Though Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is primarily considered to be an illness pertaining to the female reproductive system, it is a disorder that stems from an underlying hormonal imbalance and, as […]