Month: March 2017

Meditation: The Art and Gift of Slowing Down

Meditation has been shown to help those with an eating disorder.  Meditation allows you  to not escape thoughts, but to more so retreat to a place of peacefulness, which allows you  to recognize and accept an initial thought of anxiety, and then put it aside. Learning to acknowledge these thoughts is a gift. Many who […]

The Spotlight: Athletes and Binge Eating Disorder

Fitness is widely viewed as a positive attribute and goal. However, it can, like many good things, have a shadow side. It’s one thing to want to look great in skinny jeans, or climb stairs without losing breathe, or even achieve a major life goal, like running a marathon. Unfortunately, though, for some athletes, the […]

Sleep Disorders Can Signify Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease

Neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, are heavily linked to sleep disorders. Not surprisingly, sleep quality has long been considered a contributory factor in overall health. However, specific links to degenerative diseases are also  attributable to sleep specifically, as data is gathered. One such piece of data that shows a notable corollary between sleep […]

American Heart Association Recipe Contest Spotlights Love And Heart-Healthiness Of Fresh Avocados

The Take Avocado to Heart recipe contest is sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Hass Avocado Board (HAB). This contest puts the AHA’s Healthy For Good movement in the spotlight in hopes the inspire people to live healthier. Avocados are part of a heart healthy diet. Dietician Sylvia Meléndez-Klinger and celebrity chef […]

Sleep Training Your Child? 5 Things to Remember

Want to learn how to sleep train your infant? By training your baby to sleep, they start to become self-sufficient and you can get the sleep you need. Imagine being able to sleep after many months of attending to a crying baby in the middle of the night. Finally, after several months of sleep training, […]

Pursuits and Opportunities

Philippians 4:7 says that, “I will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.” In my life as a speaker, coach, and business consultant, quite often leaders that I am working with ask me how they should go about determining which opportunities and deals they should pursue, and which ones to avoid-both on a personal […]

Lesser Known Causes of Hair Loss

Do you know what’s causing your hair thinning or loss? The The Griffin Center of Hair Restoration and Research explores the basic information you need to know about three common causes of hair loss you haven’t heard of yet, how to identify each type, and what treatments to talk to your doctor about trying. You’ll […]

Top 10 Foods That Cause Inflammation and What To Eat Instead

Eating foods that cause inflammation can lead to everything from weight gain to debilitating joint pain. By understanding the biggest culprits of inflammation, you will know what foods to avoid and what to eat instead. Here we outline the top ten foods that are causing inflammation in your body and replacement ideas.

The Tell-Tale Signs of COPD

COPD is categorized by a cough that is phlegmy and seems to be worse in the morning. There also an issue with blood oxygen levels. So the person with COPD may experience shortness of breath when they are completing physical activities. People with COPD have wheezing issues, which may sound like a whistling in the […]

Thinking About Laser Hair Therapy? Exercise Can Help!

One of the many symptoms women suffering from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) experience is excess hair growth. This is not true for all women because the symptoms of PCOS are highly variable, and can just as often include hair loss. But certainly, unwanted hair growth on the face and body are common symptoms.