
Our Summary articles on

Pregnancy Guidelines for Harmful Acne Drug NOT Adhered to by Many Women

Isotretinoin, better known as Accutane, can cause severe harm to a developing fetus. Isotretinoin belongs to a class of drugs known as retinoids and works by reducing the production of certain compounds known to contribute to acne. There are pregnancy prevention guidelines, but a study in Canada suggests that many women are not adhering to […]

Couples are Spending More than Ever to get Hitched

Modern couples getting married are spending more per guest than ever before. While the amount a couple spends varies according to where they live, the overall amount has increased. Even though the entire amount spent has risen, couples are choosing to invite fewer people to their weddings, creating more lavish affairs for more a select […]

7 Financial Goals Every GenXer Should Have

‘Generation X’ composes the individuals born between the end of the ‘Baby-Boom’ and the year of 1980. The majority of these individuals are now progressing through their middle ages, and it is becoming increasingly important that they establish clear financial goals in order to ensure their future, and the future of their families, is secure. […]

Why Women Pay More than Men for the Same Stuff

A concern as of late has been what is dubbed, “the pink tax.” There has been attention paid to the fact that women are being taxed more for their products than men. While not true in all cases, one study found that women’s products cost more than men’s in 42% of cases (The New York […]

Exposure to Violence During Pregnancy Increases Risk of Prematurity and Low Birthweight, Research Suggests

Recent research finds link between exposure to violence during early pregnancy and increased risk of premature birth and low birth rate. The study conducted by researchers from the Queen Mary University of London and the University of Leicester with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank examined expecting mothers exposure to day-to-day violence in Brazil to […]

Adult Acne treatment

Acne Drug: FDA Advisors Recommend OTC Adapalene

On Friday, April 15, the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee of the FDA voted unanimously to recommend over-the-counter usage of adapalene gel .01%, an acne topical medication that has been in use for decades. The drug is derived from Vitamin A and manufactured by Swiss firm Galderma. All 16 members of the committee found that the […]

Google’s ‘Goals’ Could Be One Of The Largest Behavioral Science Experiments Ever Conducted

I think that the new Goals feature on Google Calendar is a great idea. I am not sure that it will catch on though. I definitely know that I will appreciate the extra help with my goals. I feel like there is a great need for a tool like this as long-term goals are imperative […]

woman doctor measuring blood pressure of patient

Healthy Diet Could Lower Hypertension Risk for Women with Gestational Diabetes

About 1 in 20 pregnant women suffers from gestational diabetes, putting them at risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) later in life. However, that risk can be reduced through good dietary choices. A study that followed almost 4000 women for over 22 years showed that women who had had gestational diabetes showed a 20% lower […]

‘A Financial Therapist Helped Us Get A Grip On Our Money Problems’

Money can become a hardship on everyone. So what do you do when you’ve reached the end of your wallet and all you find is dust? Foreclosure? Bankruptcy? Is there an end to it all? Is there a way out? And better yet, is there a deeper reason as to why my wallet is not […]

Need To Free Up Some Cash? It’s Time To Refinance And Renegotiate

If you are experiencing a tightness in your wallet, in other words you have more money going out than coming in, you need to read this article. It offers some excellent advice on how to cut your expenses even if you think you’ve done everything there is to do. There are ideas in this article […]