
Our Wellness articles on Healthstatus.com

Healthy Reasons to Own a Pet

57% of American households own at least 1 animal according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.  And that is great news because people with pets get many health benefits.

Can You Stomach Your Ibuprofen?

According to The American College of Gastroenterology the second major cause of ulcers is due to stomach irritation from regular use of NSAIDs.  

Happy mother and daughter having wine

A Glass of Wine, Good for Your Liver

As weight continues to increase in our population the increase of diseases that stem from overweight continue to rise.  There are currently 4 million adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).  NAFLD is when fat accumulates in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol.  A recent study in the June issue of […]

Canker Sores: A Real Pain in the Mouth

Canker Sores are mouth ulcers that are caused by an adverse reaction to your own immune system.  Canker sores are found only inside the mouth cavity.  Adolescents and young adults seem to suffer the most but 30% of us will experience canker sores at some time in our life.

Have you looked at your backside lately?

I have recently started bowling in a women’s bowling league, which has turned out to be tons of fun and fellowship.  When bowling you see an awful lot of backsides in all shapes and sizes.  Which got me to thinking about when was the last time I had a critical look at my own backside? […]

Accidents Will Get You If You Don”t Watch Out

Did you know that 1 out of every 45 people will die in an accident?  According to the National Safety Council (NSC) over 90,000 people die from accidents each year.  The leading cause of death for 1 to 38 year olds is accidents!  You have a 1 out of 100 lifetime odds of being killed […]

Setting Goals: Long Term and Short Term Goals

One of the key ingredients for successfully managing your time is identifying your goals. Goals are what will keep you motivated and focused — both essential to being productive.

Bad News about Belly Fat

Many of us our clued in on checking our body mass index (BMI)to determine if we need to watch our weight and that is a good indicator of healthy weight but we may also need to be checking our waist line measurements.  When you carry excess weight around your middle your risk for many conditions […]

Compact Fluorescent Lights Not Such a Bright Idea

We are being encouraged by our government, utilities, and public interest organizations to use the new compact fluorescent light bulbs.  But is this a good idea?  Let’s take a look.

With the Wedding Comes the Weight Gain

According to the US Census Bureau 90% of the US population will marry.  And studies are showing that being married leads to weight gain, more weight gain than our single friends.