Year: 2014

DNA model

Obesity: Basics

Winter is coming. But that’s no excuse to put off starting a healthy lifestyle.   While an unhealthy lifestyle over the winter months can mean frustration when swimsuit season comes around, excessive weight can also lead to serious health problems.


Veggies, not Carbs

You know the feeling. You come home after a long day at work and the first thing you do is walk into the kitchen. You open the fridge or freezer and try to talk yourself out of eating the frozen pizza. But you already talked yourself out of stopping at that fast food restaurant on […]

Myths and facts

6 Obesity Myths And Facts

When it comes to obesity there is a ton of information floating around. Some of it is accurate and some of it is completely inaccurate. My goal with this article is to help you understand some of the facts and myths associated with obesity.

Healthy food

Make “Healthy” your signature Dish

When it comes to eating healthily, sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start. Cutting down on the calories is always a good option, but even then it can be difficult to come up with a whole meal.

Woman doing pushups

Working The Core For Fitness

One advice you will hear often from your trainer is that you need to work your core, even if you are slim. That’s redundant, right? I am slim, duh. I don’t need to work my abs. If you really think that, then I am sorry to inform you that you are wrong. A strong core […]


Healthy Foods That Help Reduce Cellulite and Fat

Cellulite has come to be the bane of bikini season for women. But, don’t worry! At HealthStatus, we’ve discovered that there are foods that will reduce the size of cellulite and burn fat at the same time. Including this food in your diet can help reduce the look of cellulite, burn fat, and are healthy […]

Heart rate of a human

Overview Of Heart Rate Monitors

The advancement of technology has seen a lot of improvements in terms of exercise equipment and devices. One such device is the heart rate monitor. You can find heart rate monitors almost everywhere now. For example, they are attached to many cardio machines at the gym. Heart rate monitors are a good way go gauge […]


How Many Calories Are Really In Your Favorite Coffee Drinks?

We all know the feeling, waking up in the morning not able to function without that first, or third, cup of coffee. Although you think you need it to get jumpstarted on the day, is it messing with your healthy diet and weight loss? HealthStatus outlines the calories in your favorite coffee shop drinks.

Man swimming under water

Benefits of Swimming Workouts For Fitness and Muscle Toning

Swimming is a simple exercise that anyone can do. Its low impact and it can burn calories and build muscle all at the same time. And the best part is you don’t even know your exercising because it’s so fun to do.

Eating Good and Eating Well

The kitchen is dangerous, at least when it comes to being healthy. All your best-laid plans can go right out the window if you’re hungry. Really, really hungry. But all that can be different if you just have a plan. We’ll spend three blogs discussing specific ways you can eat, be satisfied, and even enjoy […]