Month: July 2016

Filmmaker Tchaiko Omawale about Black Women and Eating Disorders

Tchaiko Omawale, filmmaker, is opening up about her eating disorder and self harm. She is spreading word through film to help young black women take notice and identify eating disorders and self harm. Statistically everyone knows or have known someone with an eating disorder. Today African American girls score higher than white girls the same […]

The New Rules on Eating & Drinking Before Anesthesia

If you’ve undergone a procedure requiring anesthesia, you’ve likely been told by your healthcare provider to stop eating or drinking at midnight the night before the procedure occurs. This has been the standard rule of thumb promoted by anesthesiologists, surgeons, doctors and other healthcare providers for at least the last few decades. This rule was […]

ketosis for weight loss

Ketosis for Weight Loss

Hang around health and fitness enthusiasts–or look at their magazines and websites–for any length of time and you are bound to come across the subject of a ketogenic diet. It is both extolled and condemned passionately, responsible for near immortality according to some; the source of chronic illness and early death in the opinion of […]

U.S. Teen Birth Rate Continues to Fall, Hits New Record Low

The teen birth rate in America hit a new low. This is good news.  Women are waiting much later to start their families.  Dr. Jennifer Wu, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, applauded the news.  “Most teenagers are not financially or emotionally equipped to be mothers at this point in their […]

A Child’s Eye – Living with COPD

COPD does not have to ruin your life . You can still do all of the things that you love with the ones you love. There is help. Nobody should have to go through this disease alone. The COPD foundation helps brings families back together. That is their mission. COPD doesn’t just affect the individual […]

The Older Americans Act Finally Clears Congress

Nearly ten years since its last reauthorization, Congress has renewed the Older American’s Act for an additional three years. In addition to maintaining the core components of the original Act, this reauthorization will allow for increased spending in programs benefiting senior citizens, with funding allocation increasing 6% over the next three years. Among other provisions, […]

What Don’t You Know About PCOS and the Effects of High Androgens?

The bodies of both men and women produce androgens, which are typically characterized as male sex hormones. The difference between men and women, hormonally, is that men generally have more androgens than women, whose bodies turn them into estrogen.1  Although the female reproductive system generally converts androgens into estrogen, some women experience high levels of […]

The TSA is Hiring: Here’s What You Need to Know

The TSA has announced plans to hire 768 full-time screeners and have them in airports by mid-June. Because the number of TS officers has decreased over time while the number of fliers have increased, security checkpoints are only getting longer. The proposal will cost approximately $8 million; with an extra $26 million to increase part0time […]

How To BREAK UP With The SUBSTANCE That Is Sabotaging Your Bride Fit Body

There is a highly addictive legal drug that you can buy almost anywhere; grocery markets, convenience stores, gas stations.   It reeks havoc on your health and waistline and it’s hidden in unsuspected “healthy foods” like yogurt and granola bars.

The History of Hair Transplant Surgery

Often times the simple inadequacies of the human race lead to breakthroughs in many professional fields. The medical industry is no stranger to this and in the 1930’s a Japanese surgeon discovered that if he were to transplant a patients’ skin with the hair follicles still attached to another part of the body the hair […]