Month: February 2017

4 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Despite PCOS

Metabolism is a borderline dirty word to people that are aging. As you age your metabolism slows down and cannot burn fat as quickly as before. For many people, this translates into weight gain, but for women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) it can translate into a much more difficult time controlling their disease.

Music Can Make A Difference

What is Music Therapy? Music therapy has been widely used as a treatment option to support healing. Music therapy can range from active approaches like playing a musical instrument and singing to receptive approaches which focus on listening to music.

5 Health Benefits Linked to Omega-3 Fatty Acids

When you hear the word Omega-3 Fatty Acids you probably think it is a bad thing, right. Well they are actually an essential nutrients for the body. They provide many health benefits for the heart, mind and body. You want to try to include these Fatty Acids in your diet daily if at all possible. […]

Identifying Children at Risk of Eating Disorders is Key to Saving Lives

According to a six year research study led by Dr. Elizabeth Evans, who is a research associate at the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle University, the identification of symptoms of eating disorders in children are crucial as early as the age of nine. The quicker these symptoms are known and treated, the lesser […]

What is Alopecia Areata?

Often any kind of hair loss can be scary but what exactly is alopecia areata? Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that can lead to hair loss that is often unpredictable. Unfortunately, despite advances in the medical field, there doesn’t seem to be a reason that we can find in modern medicine as to why […]

Gut Health: The Truth About Probiotics

Did you know that almost one pound of your body weight is made up of bacteria cells? In fact, your gut is filled with over one trillion of these microscopic bugs right now. Some are the friendly, “good” bacteria, while others are the harmful and disease-causing bacteria. For most people, the balance of good versus […]

Breathalyzing Fans at Super Bowl 50 | BACtrack

BACtrack send two of their reporters to attend Super Bowl 50 to ask how much alcohol football fans have had to drink. The reporters interview and interact with fans, and then gave them breathalyzer tests using the BACtrack breathalyzer. The BACtrack breathalyzer is a small piece of device, as small as 3-4 inches (about the […]

Christian Principles of Integrity & Business – Part 6

When we use the term ethics, we’re talking about doing what is right. From a Christian perspective, we believe that the ultimate norm and ultimate standard of rightness is the character of God and his perfect righteousness. Today we will examine the scriptures on how to establish and determine Agreements in business.   In business […]

Promising Discovery for a Non-Invasive Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

Two proteins, one normal and one abnormal have a substantial impact on brain health. These proteins indicate a healthy brain or an unhealthy brain with risks for Dementia and Alzheimer. These non-invasive tests of the tau protein in blood platelets are expected to provide early warnings of the onset of these two diseases. Research into […]

Do Women Need More Sleep Than Men?

It’s a fact that women need more hours of sleep per night than men, however, they are not getting it. There are many reasons why women are not getting the quality or quantity of sleep that they need on a regular basis. Sleep during pregnancy can be difficult because of excess weight gain and the […]