Month: May 2017

Sleep is King

Hey You, In the Matters of You, Sleep. Man did you ever find something that makes your life so much better you couldn’t wait to share it?  That’s what happened when we installed our ChiliPad on our mattress.  You have to know about this.  .  .  This is not a health hack but a life […]

5 Diseases That Can Grow In Your Body When You Don’t Sleep Enough

Well there we have it  folks we need sleep. It’s not just for the young and old. If you want to live and live well get your sleep. There are so many things that sleep helps prevent. Not just a preventative of crankiness, of confusion it is also a preventative for Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, heart […]

Exercise May Benefit Elderly People with Memory and Thinking Problems

Those suffering from memory problems may benefit from exercise. A recent journal article described the effect of exercise on individuals with impairments related to reduced circulatory function. While exercise has been credited previously with prevention of memory loss, more recent research examines whether it may help those who already suffer with memory deficits. The study […]

Why You Should Sleep in a Cool Bedroom

Turn down those thermostats at night, not only will it save on the heating bill every winter but studies are showing it will help with other health factors as well. It appears to be that though we humans have jumped in the evolutionary ladder our bodies did not evolve with us. Winters cold is good […]

Pleasant Words

Proverbs 16:24 says that, “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” You know in business, and frankly in all of life, the words that we use can often be the determining factor between success and failure.


Why You Should Be Eating Honey

There are numerous reasons as to why people should eat honey. It is known that honey contains pollen, and when people who have allergies eat the pollen (a substance that can cause allergies to flare up), it acts as a kind of vaccination against allergy-causing pollen, in that the body creates antibodies to defend against […]

What Leads to Drunkorexia on College Campuses

Have you ever heard of “drunkorexia”? What exactly is it? It is a major issue prevalent at colleges around the world. It mostly affects females who feel pressured to be skinny. Due to a constant barrage of body image messages, fear of gaining weight, and the stress of meeting academic standards and deadlines, it’s no […]

Lost In The Wake Of Lust

Let me suggest an action item if you are tracking with these thoughts. If you’re ready, this exercise will shift your sobriety into a higher gear of recovery. List the names of the people you hurt with your behaviors and words. Think of how you hurt each one. Reflect on how each person must have […]

30 Days to a Healthier Heart

Maybe you recently talked with your health care provider and the important topic of heart health came up, or maybe you just think it’s time to focus more on your health. Regardless of what brought you here, heart health is an important step for people of all ages. Let’s look at some simple ways you […]

Blame will Stop You

Hey You, In the Matters of You, Blaming Others. The story we make for our life is the most empowering or dis-empowering that we can do.