Month: August 2018

Dehydration May Muddle Your Thinking

Water is life for humans. And while dehydration carries a lot of very serious health risks, that can ultimately become fatal in a matter of days, it turns out there are a host of other medical issues that can arise well before we could face a terminal problem. New research from the Georgia Institute of […]

Is That iPad a Pain in the Neck?

Digital devices have become an integral part of nearly everyone’s life, and they’re definitely a significant benefit. But the way most of use them could be at odds with their ability to keep us connected and informed at the push of a button or tap of a screen. Most people who use these devices, such […]

What Is Dementia?

Dementia is a broad way to describe a whole host of more specific cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease or the various neurological issues that can arise following a cardiovascular stroke incident. It can also refer to an overall general decline in mental acuity and abilities. Dementia doesn’t have to come from a specific trauma […]

Could Oat Milk Be The Next Almond Milk?

Now that almond milk is a familiar staple on the menu of dairy alternatives, the next addition to those alternatives could be oat milk. People invariably are quite wary of new things, especially new things that they might eat or drink. With something like oat milk, the obvious question is whether or not it’s safe. […]

Explaining ‘Herd Immunity’ May Convince More People to Get Flu Shots

Getting a flu shot does more than just protect you, the person who received the immunization. It also protects everyone around you, who might not have received their flu shot yet. This is an often forgotten reason to make sure the shots are widely distributed and readily available. Doctors have been suggesting everyone past the […]

Annoyance With Wind Turbines May Affect Quality of Life

The rise of renewable energy continues to accelerate, becoming more and more widespread around the world. But as solar panel and wind turbine installations continue to go up in more places, increasing numbers of residents are reporting the wind turbines are affecting their quality of life. These problems are higher with respondents who live closer […]

Does CBD Get You High?

The tides of the War on Drugs are definitely changing. Marijuana is still classified as a Schedule 1 drug by the United States Federal Government, but individual states are legalizing both it and the cannabis plant in increasing numbers. This movement began with medical aspects but has since moved on to general legalization without any […]

Secondhand Smoking Tied to Snoring in Kids

That secondhand smoke is dangerous is not new medical news. But the dangers of it continue to spread, as ongoing research investigates deeper and further into the subject. The latest medical research reveals that the children of smokers, children who are exposed to secondhand smoke, increases the chance of those children becoming snorers. Far from […]

‘Skinny Fat’ In Older Adults May Predict Dementia, Alzheimer’s Risk

Some adults, including the elderly, have a condition doctors refer to as skinny fat. This is when muscle mass is reduced compared to what might be normal for that person. Many adults, as they age, will begin to lose muscle tone as their bodies deteriorate; and this process can accelerate if they do not maintain […]

Girl wearing Sunglasses

Find the Best Natural Sunscreen for You

When the season turns to summer, we start thinking of fun under the sun. Being outside, soaking up not just the warmth but also all that sunshine after a winter bundled up and staying indoors appeals to a lot of people. But sun exposure can do a number on your skin, especially after it’s had […]