Depression Stress

Our Depression Stress Anxiety articles on

Art Can Heal PTSD’s Invisible Wounds | Melissa Walker

Melissa Walker, a creative arts therapist, starts her talk by describing a story in which a man is imprinted with a traumatic event for seven years, leading to post-traumatic stress disorder. Though she doesn’t know exactly what this is like, she describes what her grandfather’s was like. He was her inspiration for pursuing a degree […]

We Train Soldiers for War. Let’s Train Them to Come Home, Too | Hector Garcia

Since the war on terrorism many men and woman joined our armed forces. They have been trained for the unexpected, and been taught to put their emotional feelings in check when it came to deployment. They are deployed to complete a mission and keep focused on the task at hand. They are prepared for war, […]

3 Ways To Enrich the Holiday Experience

Gift giving doesn’t always mean thinking about others. Sometimes It’s important to start with yourself. There are three important gifts to consider when deciding what to get yourself this year. First, consider the gift of change. Stop putting off the things in your life that you know will improve it such as excercise and getting […]

Do you suffer from Hurry Sickness? | London Business School

What is “hurry sickness”? It’s a concept that plagues many Americans. It is taking productivity to the extreme, in a way that leads to an unhealthy and unhappy life. For the busiest of society, “hurry sickness” is an easy trap into which one can fall. This video discusses the idea of “hurry sickness” and provides […]


What is Hurry Sickness? | FT Business School

The challenges business face today are much more complex than in past times. Today leadership focuses more on the ability to get things done through collaboration rather than topical expertise. With the proliferation of emails and meetings in today’s business climate, setting aside time for reflection rather than just reaction has become increasingly challenging. Dr. […]

Nice-to-Know Facts About Happiness

Happiness is not easily studied. It’s a qualitative, not quantitative subject and is difficult to evaluate. Yet, in Dr. Paterson’s article, “Nice-to-Know Facts About Happiness” the reader learns ten facts about the importance of happiness in our lives and how we must focus on our happiness to allow ourselves to be happy. The reader learns […]

SAD woman

SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Many of us feel down when the weather is grey, cold, or damp, and even worse when it’s all three together. Our spirits perk up though, when the sun shines, the sky is blue, and the air is warm. The sun’s rays feel pleasant on our skin, yet its warmth and light affect us in […]

How to Deal with a Relapse When You’re Building Habits

Most people who try to start a new diet, exercise routine or any new habit encounter a relapse — straying off the path or indulging in bad behavior. When you’re building good habits, momentum is extremely crucial. As a result, a relapse can throw a serious spanner into the works. It could make you feel […]

Stressed man at work

6 Tips for Managing Stress at Work

One place where people feel a lot of stress is at work. Given the impact stress can have on productivity and your health, it’s easy to understand the importance of finding ways to manage work stress. Here are six tips to help you keep your cool in the workplace.

Lady with a tattoo

Just Breathe

Have you ever urged a distressed friend to take a deep breath? That oft-delivered advice trips off the tongue without thought because we all instinctively understand that breath plays a vital role in a person’s health and welfare. Breath is life, and connecting with your breathing offers a powerful way to harness emotion; it allows […]