Depression Stress

Our Depression Stress Anxiety articles on

Woman having a massage

Increase Your Memory With 7 Easy Steps

Ever walk out of the house and think, “Did I turn the iron off? Did I lock the door? Is the water still running?” Like anything else, maintaining a good memory is only possible if you practice! Sounds silly right? But, the brain is a muscle and it needs to be worked out to maintain […]

A glass of water

4 Ways to Boost Your Energy (The Healthy Way!)

Skip the caffeine pills and energy drinks! Relying on caffeine and these sugary energy drinks can cause your body to crash, leaving you more tired than you were before. Continued fatigue can decrease your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to disease and illness. Be proactive when dealing with low energy levels and boost your […]

Depressed girl

De-stress During Your Busy Week

Stress is a natural part of life, it can be consuming and make our health deteriorate if not treated and handled. Stress can cause depression, increase blood pressure, and elevate your risk for heart problems. How can we handle stress before it becomes chronic and takes a toll on our health? Use these tricks to […]

Boost Your Mood With These Five Foods

Feeling a little low?  Many people turn to food to make them feel better, but ultimately eat junk and fatty foods, which makes them feel even worse. Turning your eating habits around when you’re stressed out or depressed can not only make you feel better, but it can make you look better too! Who doesn’t […]

Stressed man

Stress and Frequent Headaches

Everyone has stress in their lives. No one is immune and research has linked high stress levels to an increased occurrence of headaches. It has been suspected for many years stress causes physical problems and now studies definitely prove that theory. Researchers have found that for every headache type, the more stress you experience the […]

How to Build Confidence Starting Where You are Today

With pools opening and the weather getting consecutively warmer everyday, we all know bikini season is coming up! This can be a daunting thing for women, but it doesn’t have to be anymore! Being bikini ready isn’t about being in perfect shape or finding the perfect suit, it’s about having confidence in yourself and being […]

Millennials and Stress

Every generation brings their own quirks, attitudes and values. Those born between 1946 and 1964 are the parents of the millennial generation. Baby boomers revolted against morally constructing values and created their own set of values that now dominate the culture. Feminism, looser sexual morals and anti-war sentiments are very visible, but what about the […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD

SAD or seasonal affective disorder is actually depression appearing in the same season every year. If you feel depressed in the cold and lowered sky months of winter, but are cheerful in spring and summer, you are a victim of SAD. Everybody can get SAD but it is common in those who live where winter […]

Increase Energy Naturally

If you experience that afternoon energy slump you are definitely not alone. It is tempting to turn to sugar or caffeine hoping to gain a quick energy burst. There are better ways to keep awake, productive and without the sugar/caffeine crash that follows gulping down your favorite beverage.

Vitamin D: Good for Winter Blues

Vitamin D is almost a wonder vitamin. It comes from sunlight, seafood, and mushrooms and is known to lower cancer rates, help heal bone fractures, reduce diabetes and heart disease symptoms. Take vitamin D if you are anxious and depressed. If you don’t go outdoors much during any time of the year you are probably […]