Month: June 2017

Sharing Your Passion and Getting Paid

Do your friends think you are a health nut? Are you the person who passes on the brownies and muffins at get togethers and goes straight for the fruit bowl? Does a big salad sound better to you than a big steak? If so keep reading.

Why Your Bride Fit Diet Isn’t Working?

Following a strict diet plan generally doesn’t work for the long term and side effects of being super restricted are feelings of deprivation and failure because it’s impossible to be “perfect.”   That’s why I’m not a big fan of counting calories and recommend in my blogs and on-line program to “dial in” diet & […]

Disrupt You

Jay Summit has written a must read for anybody trying to improve their lot in life called Disrupt You.  It is a book written primarily for business people but the ideas and paradigms shifts that we can take to be better are wholly applicable for all of us.

Virtual Reality Plus Treadmill Training May Help Reduce Falls Linked To Aging, Parkinson’s Disease

Merging the familiar treadmill with the latest in virtual reality technology could be an economical approach to fall prevention strategies. The threat of falling presents real risks to aging adults and those with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. It is falling that is often blamed as the first event in a series of poor […]

Good Ear Hygiene

Cause of Itchy Ears Lack of Moisture:   Lacking natural lubrication of your ear’s skin leads to your ears becoming itchy. Excessive cleaning of the ear dries out the natural oils found in your ear, and only replenishing the moisture can fix this issue. Hearing Aids:   Hearing aids can also cause skin irritation in […]

Why Are So Many People Popping Vitamin D?

People are popping Vitamin D because there is a widespread belief that it helps with muscle weakness, fatigue, cancer, and even possibly heart disease. All of this is not clearly substantiated by scientific fact but the general populace at large has become obsessed with their Vitamin D levels and intake nonetheless. For instance, from 2000-2010 […]

Having Peace in a Decision

Proverbs 10:22 says that, “The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it.” You see there have been many times in my own business career when I had a great opportunity presented to me- and that if I pursued it, I could make a lot of money.

Essential Oils and Laundry

In the Wash Now that you have pre-treated the stains and your clothing is now ready for the actual wash cycle.   Laundry soap, bleach and fabric softener are all laden with harsh chemicals and toxins.   One such chemical is 1,4-dioxane.   Exposure, even at very low levels, to 1,4-dioxane resulted in lab animals […]

Need More Zzzzz’S?

Everyday we wake up we always feel as if we never get enough sleep. We either try to go to bed early to make up for the hours we feel like we have missed. However, nobody ever really understands the factors of what it means to get a good night’s rest. According to the article, […]

Why are Some People Immune To Age-Related Cognitive Decline?

Researchers are following a group of individuals for whom time seems to have no impact on memory. A small percentage of people retain above average memory power, as measured on tests, even as they age toward the century mark. Why some people’s minds age better than most, is a question that holds important clues to […]