Month: June 2017

Two Thirds Of Cancers Are Unavoidable Even If You Live A Healthy Life, Study Finds

Cancer is a ugly beast and a John Hopkins study has shown that cancer can happen to anybody at any time.Even with living a great and healthy life research shows that cancer shows no favorites and can mutate pretty much at random. Since cancer can mutate at random even with living a healthy lifestyle it […]

For Kids, Regular Exercise Seems to Put Depression on the Run

Physical activity, something mist parents encourage in their children, has been shown to have a surprise benefit besides physical health it can also lower the risk for depression in children. In a study from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 700 children at two year intervals from ages 6-10 were followed over four years, […]

“The Moment Of Truth” How To Say The Hard Thing

We have all been there. We are in a meeting or conversation with an employee, co-worker, vendor, etc. We have something important we need to say to them, and we don’t know exactly how to deliver the hard truth. We know the conversation will be difficult and perhaps even emotionally upsetting, and we don’t know […]


6 Alarming Symptoms of Low Potassium Levels in the Body

Low levels of potassium in your body can lead to serious health issues. Potassium is a essential mineral that is needed to keep your body functioning at it’s best. Potassium is very important to your muscles including the heart. The good news is that there are several fruits and vegetables you can get potassium from. […]

6 Misconceptions About Forgiveness

What Age are You Telling You?

Hey You, One of the most powerful things we have as humans is our subconscious.  .  .  and our reticulating activating system (RAS) that governs what our subconscious  pays attention to.  .  .  I just sat down with a friend that has a great life hack.

Poor Sleep In Preschool Years Could Mean Behavior Troubles Later

A study has shown that children that are preschool age that do not get enough sleep have a higher chance of having issues with attention, maintaining their emotions, and interpreting information later in their life. Usually, after reaching 7 years old, these children had severely reduced brain and emotional control compared to other peers of […]

Eating Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables Combined with Regular Exercise Linked to Better Cognitive Functioning

Is there any relationship between life behavior and cognitive decline as people age? York U post-doctoral fellow Alina Cohen and her colleagues reviewed cross-sectional data of 45,522 participants, age 30 to 80+ from the 2012 annual component of the Canadian Community Health Survey. They found that higher levels of physical activity were related to higher […]

6 Things You Should Know About Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a very painful condition, it can also be a lifetime condition and treatments have to target pain while maintaining quality of life. Peripheral nerves are very long, stretching to the hands and feet. Injury to these nerves can cause numbness and tingling but some develop extreme pain and weakness. Up to 20 […]

To Solve Old Problems, Study New Species | Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado

Nature is wonderfully abundant, diverse and mysterious – but biological research today tends to focus on only seven species, including rats, chickens, fruit flies and us. We’re studying an astonishingly narrow sliver of life, says biologist Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, and hoping it’ll be enough to solve the oldest, most challenging problems in science, like cancer. […]