Month: September 2017

Totally Fit Life Spark Plug – Eat Clean

Hey Champion, Increasing muscle mass is the goal of many people. Although genetics play a significant role in how much muscle mass a person will have, increasing it can be accomplished through effective strength training workouts and proper nutrition. All things being equal, your nutrition plays a huge role in developing good, lean muscle mass. […]

Empowering Patients to Take Control of Their Health Care

The ever increasing number of technological avenues patients have to access and work with their medical health records allows an ease of access to information that patients did not previously have. Now, more than ever, we can establish what is essentially a direct line to our doctors and health records. How? For use at home, […]

How I Fail at Being Disabled | Susan Robinson

Born with a genetic visual impairment, Susan Roberson is legally blind or as she prefers, “partially sighted.” She introduces herself with a humorous introduction of an Asian man as her mother. She has disdain for the term “disabled” because it forms a mindset of “less than” rather than recognizing a person’s potential. It brings about […]

How to Get More Magnesium in Your Diet

Currently half of all Americans are failing to meet their bodies necessary daily intake of magnesium. Not eating enough magnesium can result in a lot of negative side effects like fatigue, weakness, appetite loss, nausea and/or vomiting. A major deficiency could result in more serious issues like irregular heart rhythm, personality changes and even seizures. […]

Unexplained Infertility: Could It Be Endometriosis?

Why do some women have unexplained infertility?  Endometriosis can cause fertility problems, even ten years down the line. Endometriosis is more common than you think, it affects at least 5-10% of all women worldwide. The fertility of these large numbers of women who experience endometriosis may or may not be directly affected by this disease, […]

Study Corrects the Record on the Relative Risk of Alzheimer’s Between Men and Women

There is lot of misconceptions about the Alzheimer’s risks of men versus women. It has been commonly assumed that men were more susceptible to the disease, but it turns out that Caucasian women, whose genetic composition determines they are at a higher risk, actually have a higher chance of developing the disease then Caucasian men […]

TV Binge-Watching May Leave You Like ‘The Walking Dead’

If you like to binge watch episode after episode of your favorite television series, study shows that you will have trouble sleeping that night. The study, which examines 420 people between the ages of 18 and 25 while analyzing their television watching habits and sleep patterns, show that while switching from one television show to […]

Health Tip: Exercise to Manage Knee Pain

To the surprise of many, exercise can actually help with knee pain although it seems counter intuitive to do anything but rest. The American Academy of Orthopedics has recommendations regarding knee pain that can help strengthen the joint and reduce overall pain. It is important that you start very slowly and build up to more […]

5 Fear Factors To Set You Free

4. Consider Medication — In the right combinations, medications work nearly 100 percent of the time. While most of the people who seek professional help are able to overcome their fears through counseling alone, many times panic-stricken patients need a physiological chemical change that will enable them to resolve their fear-related issues. Spiritual issues often […]

Counterfeit Beauty Products: How to Tell the Difference Between What’s Real and Fake

People are shopping and making purchases online today, more than ever. While this may seem to be an easier route than actually going to a store to buy products, people are actually receiving knock offs of the the name brands that they think they are buying. The rate at which people are unknowingly making purchases […]