Month: January 2018

Totally Fit Spark Plug – Body Fat and The Truth!

Hey Champion, When most of us hear the words ”body fat” they have immediate negative connotations.

New Easy-To-Use Tool Can Help Determine Alzheimer’s Risk, Similar to Pediatric Growth Curves

Alzheimer’s disease is an ongoing problem for anyone who’s been diagnosed with the condition. Faced with a steadily deteriorating ability to function mentally as their cognitive functions fail, many patients are looking for help anywhere they can find it. Unfortunately, medical research is still unable to solve the disease; and sometimes even diagnosing it can […]

Fibromyalgia and Sleep

Stiffness and pain in your joints and muscles can be more than simple aches and pains from age, a workout, or overuse. Sometimes it can be fibromyalgia, which is a medical condition that causes more than just pain and stiffness. It is also responsible for problems sleeping, and as a result it is often the […]

High Protein Food, or Something to Replace Protein Supplements

Strength training requires a lot of protein. When we work the muscles hard, it tears the cells in the muscles. While this process is natural, so your body can rebuild them stronger for the next time you use them, it also means your body needs protein to build those cells back up. Most normal diets […]

Direct vs. Indirect Hernia

A hernia is when body tissue bulges or expands out of the usual area it’s supposed to be in. Many of us think of a hernia as something that happens only with the anus, but it can occur throughout the body. An inguinal hernia is intestinal protrusion through or past the muscles of the abdomen; […]

Establishing 2018 on the Basis and the Totally Fit Life

Your 2018 Virtue Your 2018 Verse Your 2018 Desires

Eat Your Way to Freedom from PCOS!

What could diet and nutrition possibly have to do with ovarian cysts? If that’s the question you’re asking, it’s time to learn the facts about PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)! As it happens, the answer is quite a lot; having the right PCOS diet is arguably the primary step any sufferer of this illness should take […]

7 Foods That Make You Bloated (And What To Eat Instead)

Bloating can turn a beautiful meal into a horror show. When gas accumulates in the digestive tract, it starts to build up in the intestines and stomach. And it has to be processed, sooner or later, which can interfere with a polite setting. Certain foods are the culprit, and avoiding them can limit the need […]

Sleep Better with the Sniffles

People who are well rested are often more resistant to illness. Research shows that getting less than six hours of sleep on a nightly basis leaves you as much as four times more likely to become sick with a cold. This is often a complicating factor when you do become ill, even if you were […]

If You’re Looking for a Better Sleep Support Supplement, Look No Further!

Sleep disorders are very common among Americans, and can be caused by a number of things. For example, stress, depression, medications, and stimulants can cause sleep disruption. Even issues such as frequent urination, pain, or allergies can keep a person up and disrupt their regular sleep cycles. If you can’t breathe well at night or […]