Month: March 2020

6 Tips for Staying Healthy in College

When you dive right back into college life, it’s easy to get swept up with everything that’s going on. From studying and homework to classes and social gatherings, you’ve got a lot on your plate — which means there’s a good chance that your health has taken a back seat.

Importance of Massages- How Do You Stand to Benefit?

Many people think of massage as a way to pamper themselves. But massages are much more than a momentary feel-good treatment. There are a dozen massage types, and they offer many health benefits to our bodies. Regular massage can help maintain your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Massage therapy helps you to reconnect with your […]

Workout Tips: Best Cardio Machines To Use To Speed Up Weight Loss

Achieving a fit and healthy body require regular exercise. If you want to speed up weight loss with the help of exercise machines, like cardio workout equipment, you also need more discipline, diet modifications, and other lifestyle changes to ensure consistent results.

How to Get Rid of Neck Pain from Sleeping Poorly

Most of us have probably woken up with a stiff neck at one point in our lives, but if this is a common occurrence, it pays to look into the causes and remedies. A stiff neck can cause a sudden sharp pain to shoot through you with every move, which can cause issues when you […]

Regenerative Medicine is Continuing to Shine, Podiatrists are Finding it Beneficial

Regenerative medicine deals with tissue engineering tissues and molecular biology. In a nutshell, it is the process of replacing the cells in the body that are known as “regenerating” human cells. It is unlocking the regenerative capabilities of the human body. When your cells are no longer functioning as they should, adding new cells can […]

What To Ask An IVF Clinic When Wanting A Baby

Some couples who want their own children find it difficult to conceive and may need assistance from an IVF clinic. IVF stands for in-vitro-fertilization, which means that the eggs of a woman will be sourced from her ovaries and then fertilized by sperm from a man within a clinical environment. Help from an IVF clinic […]

Ketogenic Diet

How To Choose The Perfect Keto Diet For Your Body Type

The ketogenic or keto diet usually contains high-fat and low-carb food choices such as avocado or your favorite guacamole dressing, bacon, cream, and butter. Also, processed foods, starchy veggies, sweets, and grains are reduced. While it may not result to the body types of Halle Berry, Gwyneth Paltrow, or Megan Fox, choosing the perfect keto […]