Our CBD oil articles on Healthstatus.com

Other Cannabinoids: There’s More Than Just CBD & THC In Hemp & Cannabis

Cannabis is not just THC. The plant can do far more than simply get stoners high. As cannabis legalizes across more and more areas around the world, the benefits of this formerly demonized plant are becoming increasingly well known. And surprising a lot of people who grew up thinking it was just about marijuana and […]

How to Buy CBD Oil?

CBD oil is rapidly becoming the talking point for people who are surprised, or at least bemused, by the growing legalization of marijuana and cannabis. Most such people assumed, or assume, cannabis is only for getting high and enjoying the recreational benefits. CBD is turning out to change a lot of minds, now that it […]

What Is Industrial Hemp? (Does It Contain CBD?)

One of the oldest industrially useful crops known to man is hemp. It’s only been in the last century, literally about a hundred years or so, that hemp has become a demonized plant. Now that legalization is starting to sweep not just the United States, but the world as well, hemp is returning to the […]

Why and How to Use CBD Oil for Your Dog

Just like people, dogs deal with many physical and mental issues that can sometimes be helped through medication or lifestyle changes. Rather than turning to harsh prescription medication, some pet owners are looking for a natural, safe way to manage their dogs’ challenges.

Why Grow Hemp: The Many Uses Of Hemp On Smaller Farms

As cannabis legalization continues to take hold in the United States, the wide array of uses of this formerly very taboo plant are coming to light. And promoting a whole host of eager participants in these now opened up industries. It’s more than just processing cannabis for the drug aspects, for the THC of marijuana […]

How to Use CBD to Quit Smoking

Using CBD oil may be the next big way to break smoking habits. Two studies over the past few years have been shown that CBD oil can have a very positive effect on smoking habits and nicotine addiction. The first study, done in 2013, had a group of participants use a CBD inhaler – half […]

Organic CBD Oil Pros and Cons

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the most promising chemicals found by recent research into medicinal uses for the cannabis plant. CBD is quite different than THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the more commonly known cannabis-based chemical. THC is responsible for the well-known high associated with marijuana and is useful for increasing appetite and fighting seizures. CBD, on […]

CBD as a Natural Cure for Inflammation

Dozens of studies have compellingly indicated  (1) that cannabidiol (CBD) is a potent anti-inflammatory compound. These same studies also suggest that CBD does not have any notable side effects. This plant-based compound can be manufactured cheaply and easily using a variety of widespread methods. In a market dominated by expensive anti-inflammatory medications that can often […]

Marijuana, Hemp, and CBD

The cannabis plant consists of two genetically distinct species, Hemp and Marijuana, each with different cultivation techniques, chemical properties, and use. Throughout history, civilization has found both species to be beneficial with archeological evidence leading many to believe that cannabis may have been one of humanity’s first agriculture crops.

UK Researchers to Study the Effects of Cannabidiol on Brain Tumors in Children

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is helping the return of cannabis from the unfortunate banning it faced throughout most of the twentieth century. Medical researchers investigating CBD are producing findings that show it has real, serious, and very beneficial medical applications that can help patients modern medicine is failing to. In the United Kingdom, British researchers continue […]