Fit Minds

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Sleep Problems May Be an Early Sign of Alzheimer’s Research Suggests, Alzheimer’s Society Comment

The Alzheimer’s Disease diagnoses has been around for ages. Many of you may know it as “Old Timer’s” disease. In a recent study, researches may have found an early sign to indicate the disease in elderly. With a small group of 101 who participated, it was shown that people 65 and over with poor quality […]

Dealing with Repetitive Behaviour

Your mom or dad may repeat the same actions over and over. Mom may ask the same questions. Dad may continuously tap his leg or pace the room. They may repeat actions or questions without realizing that they had done the same thing moments before. Behaviour like this can be frustrating for the caregiver. After […]

Canines for Dementia

 Many of us would be lost without our pets.   We need them as much as they need us. Dogs have been used to help the blind, help returning vets suffering from PTSD, assist law enforcement and now are helping those with dementia. The Dementia Dog Project matches trained dogs to those suffering with dementia […]

Scientists Launch Virtual Reality Game to Detect Alzheimer’s

Sea Quest Hero compares cognitive responses by age group and gathers data to research brain diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. With so much data becoming available from users using the app, the companies hope to enable diagnosis and treatments of patients much sooner than is possible now. This technology is important because it is estimated […]

Stabilizing TREM2 – A Potential Strategy to Combat Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers have made progress in diagnosing how Alzheimer’s occurs. Something called TREM2 is an antibody that prevents the brain cells from cleavage. Premature cleavage being when a brain cell separates the antibody TREM2 too soon, and it cannot perform it’s preventive function. So, Alzheimer’s is propagated. To get the TREM2 to not separate ( Cleave […]

Simulation Shows the High Cost of Dementia, Especially for Families

The cost of Dementia can be a huge strain on a family or individual. The cost for health care in this matter can change from year to year. Because of this, there is constant data being researched to provide an estimate of what the cost for care would be for an individual suffering from dementia, […]

Coping After the Diagnosis of Dementia – Six Questions to Ask Yourself

When someone you love receives a diagnosis of dementia, it is common to feel anxious and stressed. One of the biggest challenges is to know how much care to provide at the early states. Your mom or dad may still be very independent. They may be working, driving, and taking care of their physical needs. […]

Do Fewer Nightly Dreams Mean Higher Dementia Risk in Seniors?

A new study has determined that senior citizens who do not get enough sleep during the dream stage at night are more likely to develop dementia as they get older. The study explains that, by studying REM, they were able to determine that lower amounts of REM sleep are directly associated with the succumbing to […]

Delayed Onset PTSD and Dementia

A recent article in a mental health publication suggests that some of the cognitive, behavioral and emotional symptoms of dementia might in some patients actually be “delayed onset Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” (PTSD). PTSD symptoms include vivid remembering of a traumatic event (like military service, accidents, assaults), along with strong emotions like those experienced in […]

Why This Behaviour? 12 Tips for Reducing Outbursts or Difficult Behaviour

When behaviour is so different from the norm, caregivers are often left scratching their heads. What should they do? How should they react? What is going on in their loved one’s head? The cause for outbursts may not always be obvious but often it is due to discomfort or pain, anxiety or insecurity, or a […]