Fit Minds

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Sleep Disorders Can Signify Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease

Neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, are heavily linked to sleep disorders. Not surprisingly, sleep quality has long been considered a contributory factor in overall health. However, specific links to degenerative diseases are also  attributable to sleep specifically, as data is gathered. One such piece of data that shows a notable corollary between sleep […]

Researchers Test Flashing Light Therapy for Alzheimer’s

A research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is currently exploring the benefits of flashing light therapy. The researchers believe that flashing light therapy may be able to reduce the amount of beta amyloid proteins in the brain, which could help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. Researchers flashed light at genetically engineered mice who […]

Lack of Exercise Might Invite Dementia

A Canadian study has found results that suggest that inactivity can make you as likely to develop dementia as those with a genetic predisposition. The study spanned five years and followed 1,600 individuals over the age of 65, and concluded that the individuals who led a sedentary lifestyle were at as much risk of developing […]

Dementia and Friendship

Can we still be friends? Maybe you have a friend that has been diagnosed with dementia and that thought is running through your head. You may feel uncomfortable or unsure of how to proceed, but your friendship can still be meaningful. You can still enjoy your friendship, even as it changes through the progress of […]

Scientists Still Perplexed by Dementia

The growing Alzheimer’s and dementia epidemic is very frustrating for patients, family members and doctors. The hope for a new treatment was crushed last year when Eli Lilly’s promising new drug was proved not treat the disease as hoped. Deep brain stimulation, thought to be a possible treatment, actually made the disease worse. To understand […]

Taking Hour-Long Afternoon Naps Improves Thinking and Memory in Older Chinese Adults

Don’t you wish that adults could have nap times throughout the day like children. It would be a great rejuvenation for the body and mind. Studies show that an hour long nap can improve the memory of older Chinese adults. Researchers examined the findings of nearly 3,000 Chinese adults over 65 to see how taking […]

Does Coffee Prevent Alzheimer’s?

While more research needs to be done before definitively concluding the positive effects of coffee on human brain health, the findings of this study are supported by past research which also shows coffee can fight Alzheimer’s. Researchers from the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee a nonprofit that examines the effects of coffee on health […]

Meditation, Prayer, and Dementia

Meditation and prayer have a positive impact on the brain and the body. This growing area of research now has a name. It is called neurotheology. One of the leaders in the development of this field is Dr. Andrew Newberg. Dr. Newberg is the director of research and a professor at the Myrna Brind Center […]

Good News! The Rate of Dementia is Falling Among U.S. Seniors

Mention of the word “dementia” can be a scary though for both seniors and for the people who take care of them. It is a condition that only serves to frustrate those who come into contact with it. There is, however, some good news according to U.S. researchers. According to the research group, the rate […]

Top Tips for Dementia Caregiving

This can be challenging during the holidays when parties go late, but try to keep your loved one on a similar routine so that holiday preparations do not become disruptive. Decorating cookies, hanging decorations, setting the table, and even wrapping gifts are some examples of things people with dementia can do to help celebrate the […]