Month: October 2016

Happy, Healthy & Sexy Brides Start Their Day With This….

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.   The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.-John C. Maxwell.

Could Diet in Pregnancy Raise Child’s Odds for ADHD?

Pregnancy is such an exciting time during a couples lives. With this excitement also comes new stresses and worries for the expecting mom. Every mom has their baby’s best intentions in mind during pregnancy. They listen intently to the advice of the pediatrician and take those huge prenatal vitamins because they want what is best […]

Leptin Resistance and PCOS: Could You be at Risk?

Do you ever wonder what it is that controls things like your level of hunger, the extent of your appetite, and your body’s use of energy? The answer is hormones–and one hormone in particular. A hormone called leptin is said by many scientists to be one of the most important regulators of appetite and energy […]

Business In The Light

In today’s business world, it is becoming increasingly acceptable and expected to operate without integrity of action or word. Truth at Work believes that this is not acceptable to Our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, we are responsible for conducting business with Absolute Integrity. Absolute Integrity involves doing and saying things in today’s business world […]

Two elderly ladies laughing

Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Offer Treatments for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are more understood than they used to be, which means that there are a lot more treatments and care options than even thirty years ago. However, memory loss and the diagnosing process can still be devastating for the patient and his or her family, and some people prefer more natural remedies. But […]

7 Keys To Biblical Business Leadership

As a follower of faith, sometimes you realize that you may have been neglecting your daily dose of scripture, prayer, and spiritual reflection in your daily lives. As the world turns everyone is sleeping less, and doing everything that they can to increase productivity in the home and office. This leaves little time for solitude […]

Woman suffering from Alzheimer's

Dementia—Catching the Memory Thief

The article speaks about how it is World Alzheimer’s Day and what advances have been made in the fight against the disease. In short, the article does underscore that no cure has been found and in fact, the disease is still not fully understood by those who are developing pharmaceuticals to combat the condition. According […]

Woman eating cereal

Improving Your Emotional Health Through Healthier Eating

This article explains the different types of food related allergies, and illnesses, associated with what we eat. One would be surprised with how much food affects our day to day mood, and how we take what we eat for granted. It also goes into some detail on how to combat these illnesses, allergies and symptoms, […]


How Many Drinks to 0.08? | 300lb. NFL Lineman vs. 110lb. Woman

Will we finally get an answer to the age old question, “Does size really matter”? Out of all of the myths about drinking alcoholic beverages, there may actually be some truth to this classic tale. The theory behind this is that a person that weighs more will need to consume more alcohol to exceed the […]

FDA Issues a Chilling Warning About Cryotherapy

Used by celebrities, athletes and the common person, prescribed by doctors, and endorsed by many, it appears that Cryotherapy could be the next big thing in treating many common ailments, injuries and blemishes for anyone willing to pay for the treatment. But according to a new statement released by the FDA on July 5th, they […]