Month: February 2017

Omega-3-6-9 Fatty Acids: A Complete Overview

Omega fatty acids have become a buzzword within the world of supplements and vitamins. Many of us have been encouraged, either by our doctor or our television, to increase our level of omegas. What many of us don’t know is how much of each do we need and how do we even get it. Here […]

Women Talk COPD : Paula on the New Strength She has Found During Her COPD Journey

An English woman named Paula and some fellow sufferers of COPD sit down for a chat on their condition. Paula talks about what having COPD has taught her about life and how it has changed her approach to it. The answer she gives is very surprising and inspiring, in a way. Paula says that having […]

Fewer Opioids, More Exercise for Severe Joint Pain From Arthritis

Our body ages, that is no secret. Many of us suffer from arthritis, our busy life styles, or the impact of sports has left us achy, and stiff on a daily basis. Most of us have turned to our doctor for help and with the help of medication we are able to work through the […]

Study Shows Midlife Women Have No Sleep Benefits from Yoga and Exercise

Recent research demonstrates yoga and exercise provide no sleep benefits for midlife women who experience hot flashes. After 12 weeks of both cardiac exercise or yoga, participants showed no statistically significant differences in quality and duration of their sleep. Authors of the study noted that scientists have demonstrated statistically significant improvements in sleep quality after […]

Save money on healthcare

5 Things Everyone With an Eating Disorder Should Know About Their Insurance

Insurance companies bank on the fact that most people will give up after being denied treatment. Those who do appeal the denials once, twice, even three times also eventually give up, simply because the fight is time-consuming and deeply discouraging. As a result, insurance companies only end up paying for the small subset of people […]

Number of Americans With Severe Joint Pain Keeps Rising

Severe joint pain is plaquing Americans. Why do you think this is happening? Nearly 10.5 Americans deal with severe joint pain on a daily basis, and the numbers are rising. A majority of the cases are related to arthritis, but there are many that do not have a cause for their pain. The most common […]

Don’t Say It

This video states that even though you may be up to your limit on the way someone is acting toward or or in a situation and you want to tell them how you feel, step back and control yourself. If you unleash words from your feelings and emotions there might be some regret that you […]

What Nuns Are Teaching Us About Alzheimer’s

David Snowden started a study on nuns with alzheimer’s disease back in 1970. He studied about 650 nuns between the ages of 75-103 some with the disease and some without. He wanted to know why some elderly peoples brains start to deteriorate and some don’t. Before taking their vows the nuns wrote an autobiographical statement […]

PCOS and Hirsutism… Could Spearmint Tea be the Cure?

The tragic thing about PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is that it comes with many different symptoms and effects, presenting itself in different ways in different women. This makes it hard to diagnose, and it also makes it hard for women to know exactly what they should be doing to treat it.

Should You Use the Powerful Wrinkle and Acne Cream That You No Longer Need a Prescription For?