Month: April 2017

What is BMI

Change Your Mind

Backdrop,  I love college basketball.  .  .  I am a Michigan State grad and think Tom Izzo is the best coach ever.  .  .  I have also believed that John Calipari was what was wrong with what is happening to college sports and more that one time have referred to him in a sentence w/ […]

Psssst! Want to know a Secret to Longevity?

Want to live a long life?  What are the oldest people on the planet doing and how can we replicate that in our own lives?  Many of the people who live longest have a group of positive encouraging friends.  So, the company you keep is important, just like your mother told you.  You are more […]

Would I Be a Good Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

I can remember when I first became aware of weight loss surgery. I was a teenager and saw a couple of documentaries on TV about it and was fascinated by the whole thing. I had always been overweight and had trouble losing and maintaining a lower weight but I never imagined, at that point, that […]

Digital Diet

Sounds like a no-brainer but let me tell you when you add a phone to the mix you would be very surprised how this focus gets sliced and diced and the other people that mean the most to us don’t get the focus they deserve or we want to give them. Take a digital diet […]

New Study Claims Tylenol During Pregnancy Is Unsafe, But There’s More to the Story

This article is a brief overview of a mom who discovered a new study of links between acetaminophen taken during pregnancy and hyperactivity in children. The mother feels guilt, grief, and is upset that she had taken that medication throughout her pregnancy. After further research she discovers that the study the doctor released may not […]

The Foods That You Don’t Know Are Leading to Inflammation

We all know that we should avoid fast food and foods high in fat and sugar. What many of us overlook are the seemingly healthy foods that might be causing underlying inflammation. Here we will look at some of the hidden culprits of joint and body inflammation. The Hidden Dangers of Dairy Cow’s milk serves […]

Do You Spend the Majority of Your Nights Out Queuing for the Toilet Once You’ve Broken the Seal? Here’s Why

According to experts there may be some truth to the theory, and there are even ways to train the bladder to go less frequently. Frequent loo breaks after a tipple are believed to be down to the alcohol itself. If we stuck to soft drinks we’d spend a lot less time queuing up in nightclub […]

Is Spirulina a Miracle Cure-all?

Claims are being made that adding spirulina to your diet will cure allergies, detoxify, and aid in weight loss.   What is it? It is a grass like water plant that is cultivated in ponds and produced all over the world. It is often referred as blue-green algae.  It has a strong seaweed flavor.   […]

What is Good Quality Sleep?

Quality sleep is important for everyday life. It helps us have the energy we need to heal, function, and work towards goals to help us more better? But is sleep quality really that important? The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has recently released an expert report on the key indicators of good sleep quality. Given the […]

Know Your Team

Proverbs 27:23 says to, “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, and give careful attention to your herds.” Well today’s message is geared for those business owners and leaders who have staff or employees who report to them, or for those who have responsibility of leading other people.  Now as you hear this […]