Month: August 2017

15 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Though many believe that vegetable juice is the only way to drink something healthy, pomegranate juice has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. Pomegranate gets its color from polyphenols, which not only give it its vibrant ruby color, but also are a strong antioxidant. Pomegranate also contains a very large amount of vitamin c, […]

Being Unmarried or Widowed Linked to Increased Dementia Risk

Researchers have recently studied what effects unmarried or widowed persons may experience, including an increased risk of Dementia. It dives into the idea that mental health and emotional happiness are greatly affected by having a partners support, something that unmarried or widowed persons do not have. Social interaction is key in that role of mental […]

Three Portfolio Mistakes That Couples Make

There are three common portfolio mistakes that most couples will make. A lot of couples will have the problem of creating a portfolio but not updating it. They will keep it outdated for years and not end up updating it when their employer’s preferences about their 401k or 401b change. Updating these portfolios will help […]

7 Tests I’m Taking After Multiple Miscarriages

Aela began her motherhood journey as a healthy 34 year old woman by getting standard genetic tests and STD screening. She became pregnant on her 2nd IVF cycle, but the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. At 35, considered an advanced maternal age, she became pregnant again but suffered another miscarriage. Being an otherwise healthy woman […]

How To Keep Working Into Your 60s And Beyond

With many Americans staying at their careers longer in life than past generations, some may wonder what to expect if they plan to work well into their 60s. It is especially difficult if one wishes to change their career once they are old enough to retire. Changing your career in late life isn’t easy, so […]

Health Tip: When to Worry About Neck Pain

We can suffer from neck pain that is not very severe and lasts only a short time, but what are the symptoms of neck pain serious enough to see a doctor? Minor neck pain may not call for a doctor’s opinion, but there are two cases when you should go to a doctor. You should […]

Benefits of an L-Glutamine Supplement

Of all the amino acids in the body, L-glutamine is the most abundant. Adequate levels of this amino acid are essential for maintaining a healthy digestive tract because it preserves the integrity of the intestinal wall. L-glutamine plays an important role in digestive, immune, and nervous system health. There are a host of symptoms that […]

One Night of Poor Sleep Can Affect Your Alzheimer’s Risk

People with Alzheimer’s struggle with sleep but it is unclear if poor sleep quality is contributing to the disease. Learning more about the treatment and prevention is key. A new study shows that people who were prevented from achieving the deepest level of sleep have a build up of Alzheimer’s associated proteins. The study led […]

Living With Purpose May Help Seniors Sleep Soundly

A study was recently conducted that seems to have discovered that seniors who feel like they have a clear purpose in life end up sleeping better at night. The study concludes that people who feel like “they have a reason to get up” have less problems falling asleep at night and get a better night’s […]

“What I Learnt After 10 Years Of Helping People Lose Weight”

Losing weight is a task that, for many, is daunting enough. People have tried countless methods and fads just to shed a few pounds, but find the process impractical and unsustainable in the long term. Even after finding a method of losing weight that works, many people find that maintaining their weight loss is an […]