Month: July 2019

Why You Shouldn’t Delay Going To A Drug Rehab Facility

Many substance users who are on a waiting list frequently mention that delay in treatment is a barrier towards sobriety. According to a study, understanding how substance abusers react to waiting time can lead to effective services in encouraging treatment compliance.

Hormone Balance Day 3: Detox Rocks

This is Robin Nielsen and I’m so excited to be here with you. Today is our third…

5 Health Tips To Sleep Soundly At Night

If you want to stay healthy, then start sleeping at night. Yep, apart from your dietary and working out habits, your quality of night sleep plays an important role in keeping you healthy. It is scientifically proven that poor quality of sleep has immediate negative impacts on your hormones, productivity, body weight, and brain activities.

Buying CBD Oil Online vs. Buying CBD Oil Offline

As the popularity of CBD oil increases, the methods of purchasing it among consumers vary. While some consumers may choose to purchase online, others have a preference for purchasing the widely used oil offline. Regardless of your purchasing habits, the naturally found oil, also known as hemp oil, have gravitated consumers into a widespread desire […]

Gym exercising

What are the Safest Muscle Building Supplements?

Most muscle building supplements are a hoax and do not work as you would expect. If you are looking to gain muscles in the next two weeks with or without exercise, then what you need are illegal steroids that may not be safe for your body. However, if you exercise regularly, you will gain the […]

Pros & Cons of Health-Tech on Nursing & How to Make Things Better

Ah, what a miraculous invention technology is. It is everything we ever dreamed about–be it in sci-fi flicks or nifty magic tricks, we had the question “can that be done for real?” on our tongue with a gasp of awe. Technology came, it witnessed the stimuli, became the catalyst of changed and conquered everything within […]

How MRI Changed the World of Diagnostics?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, commonly known as the MRI, uses radio waves and large magnets to create images of the insides of your organs. The very purpose of this is to enable the doctors in finding tumors, fractures, and other such issues in the human body.

Adhd In children

CBD For ADHD: What Does Science Say About CBD & ADD?

From all current research, it appears that cannabinoids, such as CBD, could be effective in the treatment of ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can lead to a dopamine deficiency, which can lead to an imbalance in a person’s reward-motivated behavioral system. However, through experiments with lab mice, researchers were able to figure out that […]

How To Prepare For A SMILE Eye Surgery

SMILE stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. Many people may confuse it with the Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery because of the specific similarities in both procedures. SMILE cannot treat higher-order aberrations, whereas LASIK can. Still, the results from a SMILE eye surgery can help correct nearsightedness without the need for particular invasive procedures […]

How Safe Is Your Public Swimming Pool?