
Our Pre Workout supplement articles on

Why So Many Seniors Take Vitamins That Don’t Really Help Them

Many of us, especially as we advance in age, reach for a daily vitamin and make sure to include it in our routines. Vitamins are big business in the United States. The industry generates billions of dollars in revenue for vitamin manufacturers and distributors every year, even for just the basic multi vitamins that can […]

Antioxidant Supplements Increase Mortality

Based on earlier studies, scientists found that the nutrient Beta-Carotene helped reduce cancer in smoking adults. This led to pushing the manufacturing and sale of Beta-Carotene pills as supplements to help with this issue. However, results showed that smokers who took the Beta-Carotene pills actually had increased risks of cancer. Later studies corroborated that it […]

What is Phenibut?

Everyone’s always looking for effective stress relief. We’re ever more anxious, and that builds up on us until it can start to cause problems. A nootropic substance, Phenibut offers those who take it the ability to sink into a very relaxed state that can be extremely helpful in shedding the day to day stress threatening […]

Wake Up… Netflix Documentary Shows How Adderall Epidemic Is Growing

Adderall isn’t just for kids now; college students, even adult workers, are taking the stimulant in greater numbers than was once found. A new Netflix documentary, “Take Your Pills”, looks at the history of Adderall and other stimulants prescribed by doctors, and how shifting attitudes towards such drugs has changed the willingness of people to […]

Berberine Relieves Symptoms of Acne Vulgaris

Herbal medicine has become overshadowed by the flash and appeal of modern science, but herbal remedies do still hold valuable effects that can be utilized to offer relief for a variety of common health concerns. Berberine is the main component of barberry. It’s an alkaloid that possesses a number of beneficial effects, working to counter […]

Positive Influence Of Shiitake Mushrooms On Health

Culinary enthusiasts will not find the notion of incorporating shiitake mushrooms into your diet surprising, or even objectionable. And the cuisine of some countries, particularly Asian countries such as China and Japan, have included shiitake mushrooms for centuries. But as the Western World wakes up to the benefits of new food ingredients, millions of eager […]

Leptigen Review – An Ordinary Diet Pill or Something More?

The diet pill industry is going as strong as ever, and the market remains flooded with new options. While some of the old standbys are available, and others have been taking off the market by regulators, it’s tough to evaluate the new options that have recently come out. Today, we take a look at one […]

How to Ease the Pain of Colonoscopy

There are some surprising benefits to peppermint! When people age and incur an increased risk of colon cancer, it becomes medically necessary to have them undergo colonoscopies. But, while these procedures are routine, commonplace, and have low instances of serious complications or life-threatening effects, they are still painful and possible traumatizing to the patient, since […]


The Other Prescription Drug Problem: ‘Benzos’ Like Valium and Xanax

The issues with opiod pain medications are becoming more and more well known, but receiving less attention as the news focuses on pain killers are drugs prescribed for mood alteration. Medications targeted for anti-anxiety, such as Klonopin, Valium, Ativan, and Xanax, are also addictive. Which is a problem as prescription rates increase, and the stress […]

7 Raw Garlic Benefits for Reversing Disease

Raw garlic has been proven to have many benefits, some of which are completely unknown to many people. Given the fact that it is very easily grown and very inexpensive, not to mention very tasty, it is really something that no one should be without. The Cancer Institute does not recommend any specific vitamins for […]