Year: 2018

Woman enjoying healthy food

Boosting Moods with Foods

What we eat can affect our mood, both positively or negatively. Depression risk is increased if a person does not follow a healthy diet. Eating well is good for more than just the body, it’s healthy for your mind as well. Some research has looked at the type of diet to determine any corresponding mood […]

Diabetic Ketoacidosis – its Causes and its Treatments

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a result of diabetes. When a patient has it, there exists an increased risk for suffering damage to the kidneys. Untreated, it can be fatal. Type one diabetes patients are more likely to have diabetic ketoacidosis than type two, but it can strike either version of the disease. The insulin deficiency that […]

Fit woman looking happy in winter

Tips To Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common kind of depression that often occurs in the winter season. Symptoms include low energy levels, odd food cravings for things that are heavy in starch or sugar, significant changes in your sleeping patterns, and general feelings of being run down, on edge, or even outright irritable. The problem comes […]

Genetics Study Suggests that Education Reduces Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

New research conducted and released by the University of Cambridge indicates the process of going through higher education may be a protection against developing Alzheimer’s disease. A major cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s is a condition that causes progressive memory and communication impairment, along with behavioral changes, and ultimately leaves a patient incapacitated and unable to […]

Supplements for Nursing Mothers

A woman’s body is seriously affected by childbirth and pregnancy. While a natural process, it can also result in deficiencies. With a breastfeeding newborn, these issues can affect more than just mom; baby can be impacted as well. To help counter the risk, some mothers may benefit by taking vitamin and nutritional supplements. During breastfeeding, […]

Which Nutrients are Known to Improve Healing Following Traumatic Brain Injury?

Concussions and CTE What You Need to Know    6 Part Series    Part 4…Get Part 1 Here Nutrition is crucial to ensure a safe recovery after a concussion. Since the body goes into an imbalance, it needs some help in putting its processes in balance again. An appropriate amount of energy and nutrition is […]

Electrical Pulses May Ease Pain From ‘Slipped’ Disc

Pulses of electricity directed at irritated spinal nerves are showing significant promise in relieving chronic pain in the lower back. The new treatment may be effective in treating sciatica and other back pain symptoms. Named image guided pulsed radiofrequency, the procedure is minimally invasive. In studies, it has been shown to reduce chronic pain in […]

New Study Identifies Potential Biomarkers of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

The number one reason for blindness in the elderly is macular degeneration related to age. It’s a progressive disease, one that features a chronic deterioration of the photoreceptors in our eyes. Genetics, along with increased age, are the main causes of age related macular degeneration. The genetic cause means that genetic testing can be helpful […]

The RAS and the Totally Fit Life

All of our senses – sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, gather information and send this information for processing to our brains. Our brains receive thousands of pieces of information every second. This is where your reticular activating system (RAS) comes in, your RAS is a small group of cells at the base of your […]

Easy Ways to Boost Fiber in Your Daily Diet

Dietary fiber is a necessary component to anyone’s diet, but many people fall short of meeting their daily intake goals. Fiber serves many purposes such as helping lower cholesterol, keeping you feeling full, maintaining blood sugar levels, and preventing constipation and diverticulitis. Finding good sources of dietary fiber foods is not difficult. There are many […]