Month: January 2020

Seizure Management: How To Manage And Prevent Seizures

Seizure disorders like epilepsy affect millions of people throughout the United States. According to the latest data, roughly  3.4 million  individuals (3 million adults and 400,000 children) suffer from epilepsy. Are you part of this group? Do you have a child or loved one who experiences seizures on a regular basis?

What To Do After You Experience An Injury In A Car Accident

Did you know that approximately  6 million car accidents  occur every year in the US? With something as commonplace as a car accident, it’s essential to know what to do if it occurs.

5 Simple But Effective Ways To Burn Fat (FAST)

Burning fat isn’t easy, sure you can do more exercise and eat less calories to lose weight, but this doesn’t target fat loss. This type of approach can result in fast weight loss, however, this generally doesn’t involve fat burning, and the weight that you lost, is generally followed by fast weight gain.

The Every Day Tricks That Will Make You Healthier

Making big changes to your lifestyle can certainly benefit your health. At the same time, those small daily modifications can be just as helpful, if not more so. After all, altering your diet and routine in a positive manner each day will have an impact over time. Thus, on this note, here are all the […]

Why Do My Feet Hurt?

Foot pain can be quite troublesome, or even downright debilitating depending on the level of pain you are experiencing. Not only can cause discomfort, but it can also affect your daily routine and even negatively impact your job. So, it is smart to take the necessary steps, pun intended, to avoid this condition from hindering […]

Diphtheria – History & Facts

How To Deal With A Child’s Fever?

For parents or guardians, a child’s fever can be a cause for concern. This is especially true if your child starts to complain about being uncomfortable or if they have a history of febrile convulsions. A child’s fever should be treated as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse and ensure that your […]

Stop Snoring – Breathe Through Your Nose

Although people often joke about loud snoring, it has a serious side to it. Snoring may cause severe and continuous disruption to partners sleeping next to snorers, but it also may cause serious problems for the snorer.   It often progresses into conditions such as cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea.  

Reasons and Tips to Choose the Best Health Care Covers

Good health is true wealth, but the hectic routines, the late hours, fast-paced lifestyle, rising pollution, and many other factors have negative impacts on our health.

5 Wellness Professionals That Help You Lose Weight

According to the most recent reports, nearly 40% of American adults are clinically obese and more than two-thirds are fall into the overweight or obese categories. Given these numbers and the strong link between weight, lifestyle and preventable health problems, it’s no surprise that weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry.