Month: December 2017

Astragalus – Effective Supplementation

A native plant of China may have valuable properties. Astragalus and its health properties has been known about in China for hundreds of years. The plant is a sort of bean, and has thousands of species worldwide. An adaptogene, Astragalus stands out among them with a multitude of valuable properties for those looking to improve […]

Tips For Beating Anxiety To Get A Better Night’s Sleep

A common symptom for someone suffering from an anxiety disorder is problems with sleep. When we don’t get enough sleep, our mood can be affected. It can create depression in the worst cases, and often simple irritability can result. When we sleep, a number of critical things happen, and not getting enough sleep can prevent […]

California to List Herbicide as Cancer-Causing; Monsanto Vows Fight

If you’ve been watching the news you might be aware of the latest stir in the media about the recent decision California made to add Round Up to the their chemical list of cancer causing agents. This process has been ongoing for a couple of years now, with Monsanto fighting back after allegations were previously […]

Sleep Apnea May Increase Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease

New research is being done about a potential link between Alzheimer’s development and sleep apnea. Anywhere between 30 and 80 percent of the elderly, or five million people total, in the United States have sleep apnea. This condition leads to an increase in plaque-building peptides that contribute to the deterioration of cognitive abilities in Alzheimer’s […]

The Art of Faith Visualization and the Totally Fit Life

Super Charge your Primary Thought God is invisible and dwells in an invisible realm…we believe in God and in the spiritual realm where He exist even though we can’t see Him or the invisible realm.

10 Best Ways to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

The holidays bring tons of fun. Friends and family, tree trimming and feasts; it’s an exciting time. It can also bring on the stress. Especially if you’re on track to lose weight. Common advice is often to not diet during the silly season, but just because it’s the time of year end celebration doesn’t mean […]

THIS Is How Often You Should Toss Your Undies

Bacteria is living in your clothes and on your sheets and towels.   There are ways to prevent these items from becoming a health hazard but first you need to be aware that the bacteria exists. Tossing your undies is something that everyone will need to do. You should do it quite often actually. Some […]

Eight Tips For When Mom or Dad Has an Extreme Reaction

When your mom or dad has a catastrophic reaction to events or becomes uncharacteristically upset or excited, it can be unnerving. You are not sure what to do or how to handle this new behaviour.

Fertility Diet Tip: Culture Organic Milk to Make Kefir

For individuals who are following the fertility diet, consuming items from the dairy food group has many nutritional benefits, including Vitamins A and D as well as calcium and protein. While there is much debate about the propriety of including dairy in your diet, it is mostly undisputed that raw dairy products carry the most […]

PCOS and Sleep Apnea – It is Possible to Reverse This Condition For a Healthy and Vitalized Life

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that can leave you feeling tired and at risk of other conditions. If you have PCOS and sleep apnea, the risk factors increase and this becomes a complex situation. Learn a little about PCOS and sleep apnea and find out how you can dramatically improve both conditions.