Month: March 2018

Allergens Hiding in Your Child’s Bedroom

Have you noticed lately that your child’s cold symptoms have been lasting longer than a normal cold?  A normal cold can stay in a system between 7-10 days. If a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing keep happening after this your child may have an allergy. Allergy symptoms can be very similar to a cold […]

ADHD and Eating Disorders: Statistics & Trends

ADHD is highly linked to an eating disorder according to a study. Statistics say that women with ADHD are 3.6 times more likely to develop an eating disorder than their non diagnosed counterparts. 10.4% of people diagnosed with ADHD in the study were later diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Eating disorders are most often found in […]

How I Use Minecraft to Help Kids With Autism | Stuart Duncan

Obstacles are an element in every person’s life. Some obstacles are specific to individuals. Some obstacles are general among a group or population. Some obstacles insinuate themselves chain-like as one masters and overcomes obstacles, another appears. Autistic individuals have obstacles. Some are unique to autism, and others are general based on the age group. Communication […]

Five Causes of Caregiver Burnout

In my last post, I looked at symptoms of caregiver burnout. In this post, I want to look at five causes of caregiver burnout. When we think about caregiver burnout we all imagine that happens because caregivers don’t take time for themselves. And that is true. But there are four insidious causes that can wreak […]

Human Longevity is Associated with Regular Sleep Patterns, Maintenance of Slow Wave Sleep, and Favorable Lipid Profile

Sleep is essential to good health; both physical health as well as mental. While the mechanics and details of sleep are still not yet full understood, they’re receiving a lot of research attention. And doctors are certain, having established through research, that sleep is critical for us all. Living organisms need a wake and sleep […]

Viscosupplementation | Treatment for Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis can be a debilitating and painful condition, as its sufferers know all too well. It arises as a degenerative condition, in which the cartilage, fluids, and other components of the knee are broken down from years and years of repetitive stresses such as torsion, impacts, and other abrupt movements. This degradation can even […]

Folic Acid: New Research is a ‘Gamechanger’ in Push to Fortify British Foods

According to studies, decreasing the amount of folic acid in the diet has been linked to neural tube defects. Over 80 countries have asked women to increase folic acid in their diets to decrease their chances of having birth defects. The UK had not adopted the minimum requirements for women who intend to become pregnant […]

Totally Fit Life Spark Plug – Thoughts and Emotional Peace

Hey Champion, Many studies have found that the risk of developing heart disease is significantly increased for people who frequently experience stressful emotions such as irritation, anger or frustration.

3 Thoughtful Ways to Conserve Water | Lana Mazahreh

One out of three people are living in a country that is facing a water crisis.   It is no longer just these water poor countries that need to conserve water usage but everyone needs to have a new relationship with water. I grew up in a rural area, water was not supplied as in […]

10 Simple Things to Make You Happier At Home

While it may not seem like a big deal, there are lots of little things at home that you can do to improve your overall happiness and well-being. This list of ten things you can do at home to improve your mood will pinpoint some overlooked things. For one, make your bed. Along with making […]